Bot idea: assign each bot a secret AI personality
Hello everyone.
Well, since bots are in the game we all have had out moments with them, some hillarious, some furstrating, some just insane. But its apparent that bots are very, very predictable and often very frustrating for both sides. They mostly value their own life and wellbeing over flesh and blood survivors, miss half a dozen skill checks in a row, fast vault random windows and hide in a bush as soon as they get so much as a whiff of the terror radius, but are also un-mindgameble and sometimes downright vicous to chase, otherwise the most carbed up potatoe.
So here is my idea: design a couple of personalities or archetypes and draw one of these every time a player DCs and is replaced by a bot.
Stuff like
"Altruistic - will seek out wounded survivors to heal them and go for unsave unhooks"
"Aggressiv - will flashlight click the killer and t-bag the killer just to get chased"
"Gen-Jockey - will jump on any gen whenever possible and has a 50% chance to ignore a missed skill check"
"Claudette/Dwight personality - will immerse themselves as much as possible and use bushes and lockers to their advantage"
"Cracy Ace/Elodie - will open every single chest on the map and rummage for more items, dropping them around the chest"
"Lumberfoot - will fast vault, make a lot of noise and sometimes fail mindgames, but occasionally surprise you with a sharp gameplay move"
The idea is that some bot personalities are more useful then others, but with experience you could gauge them and know what you are dealing with, just like with real players and just add another layer of variety,
We approve very much, though we think you forgot the one who prioritize totems