Issues with the flashligh

Hey, guys, everything good?
I'm a veteran player and I've been having issues with the flashlight in Dead by Daylight.
I'd like to share a frustrating experience I've been going through recently in my game sessions. The problem is related to using the flashlight when I try to aim it at a killer. If I'm in any situation and point the flashlight anywhere, it works normally. However, when I aim it at the killer's face, it acts as if I'm clicking to be toxic, turning on and off as if I'm clicking the right mouse button instead of holding it down, and I can't perform a flashlight save or even blind them during a pallet break.
I've toggled the "interaction behavior" setting both for toggle and hold, and the issue persists.
To investigate the problem, I conducted tests with my mouse, and it's okay.
I'd like to know if anyone else in the community has faced this kind of situation, and if so, how they managed to solve the problem.
Thanks in advance for any guidance you can offer.