Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

I'm losing heart in the game

Hi welcome to the airport, I haven't yet brought my plane tickets but I'm watching the departure board and wondering if I will be on one of the planes soon or not.

I don't know when or how or why but slowly the game has been getting more of a chore to play other than the joy and pleasure it used to be.

There is no more playing for fun, as both survivor and killer you have play as if you are playing in a tournament. Having to know each map like the back of your hand so you know where to run or where to cut off, What perks are "meta", or what character has an exploit.

And I know it's been said a lot but if there are so many people saying then surely it must be a problem no? Solo q is abysmal, and due to the losing popularity of the game not many people want to play it so I can't play get 3 others to play SWF.

And there is no casual playing for killer, you play casual and the survivors start acting toxic thinking they are out playing the killer and when you do try you really have to try it's one extreme to another and there is no fun there.

I know this is a feedback and suggestions forum but I honestly don't know how the devs can improve, they are trying, I know that and it's not solely on them, I believe the community has gotten more toxic. Perhaps we the community need to look inwards and think about what we can do to improve the game for ourselves.

Survivors, No more teabagging the killer, no more toxic survivors assisting the killer, body blocking, refusing to unhook and just starring and teabagging the hooked survivors, waiting by the exit to teabag the killer prolonging the game when its not needed. Ive seen suvivor do this even when the killer never chased them casue they were hiding the whole, who are you showing off for, you done jack all buddy.

Killers, not matter what I say I know I'll be opening myself up to hate from some of the killers mains, but there are 3 toxic things killers do and that tunnel, slug and game hostage. The first two has had many things said about them, and don't get me wrong, both are viable methods of play for the killer even said so by the devs and I'm not all against tunneling and slugging but there are extremes some killers go that really make you think are you even enjoying this? And the last one game hostageing, slugging and then not hooking taking advantage the fact that survivors can't dc cause they will be penalised.

We can do better than this we can be better than this.

If you've read through all of this, I'm sorry and thank you for reading, maybe it has made someone think, maybe not but if someone took the time to read this thank you and I hope you have a blessed day, noon or night

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