Skull merchant still sucks to go against...

I thought after my 5 month break and the anouncment of skull merchant nerf coming she would be better. But nope, still can have insane monitor on gens AND CAN INJURE WITH DRONES????
Like, I know you've never deleted a killer before... but maybe consider it? Even I have her and will gladly allow her to disappear from my life :D
You know you can crouch to ignore her drones, right? You should never get injured unless you are in chase.
When you get injured in chase, you get a speedboost, so don't really get an issue. It doesn't work like Plague.
She is way more manageable for survivors after her rework, while not being completely useless. I see that as an absolute win.
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How can she have 'insane monitor'? Do you keep running into the drone beams?
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She can still place drones directly next to gens, and if you disable drones i'm sure she knows like before. She still annoying to go against like... cenobite, hag and knight. But I haven't read up on her patch notes but she still seems annoying to go against, the 1 hour match thing is obviously better tho
Just my opinion, dont come for me tho lol. But thats my thoughts after facing her a few times since.
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I don't think anyone enjoys versing her. They either purposely run into her or just DC. She actually has a passive ability now called "The Snoozefest" which is self-explanatory.
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if you disable drones i'm sure she knows like before
Have you even played her?
There is very small difference in aura of disabled drone -> it gets sligthly higher. You can usually tell only if you look at it while survivor is disarming the drone.
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Which is probably intended since skull merchant players have proven they can't behave normally and "play chess" (=3 gen-ing for 40 minutes without even trying to chase). Deserved
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What are you talking about? Trying to make argument out of nothing again?
I am just saying that's how she works now, I don't really mind that aspect, but nice try.
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Also note that you don't have to disable the drone to work on gens - staying still also makes you invisible to the beam, like crouching does.
You give the impression that it isn't Skull Merchant that annoys you, but being oblivious to her mechanics.