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Saying GG is now toxic?

Member Posts: 1,411

I always say GGs after a match, because it is a game after all and I'm sure everyone did their best, so I think let's end it on a good note. If it's a tough map for a certain killer I usually add: that was a rough map, still gss and wp!

But now saying that is considered toxic? Like are you kidding me? What is wrong with these gamers that you're such a childish, sore loser that someone acknowledging something that's rough for you, makes you mad? The mentality of some of the people in this community... how exhausting it must be to be like that.


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  • Member Posts: 496
    edited November 2023

    I guess they think you're trying to be sarcastic by saying gg? I honestly don't know,, it's hard to tell what they're thinking. You could say anything and they'd think it was toxic.

    Post edited by JocelynAwakens on
  • Member Posts: 5,962

    I always say "gg", unless I don't think it was a good game. Then I either write "well played" (when I get absolutely stomped) or nothing at all (when I stomped or played against exploiters / cheaters).

    A match in which I am paired with complete beginners cannot be a good game for me, because that's boring. Or fascinating. Sometimes it's like watching a rare animal and trying to understand their behavior. Nature is truly marvellous.

  • Member Posts: 1,411

    How do you turn it off?

    Yes, I tell them gg and wp if they outplay me, simple as. Sometimes even learn from them and their tactics which I can use when I play killer, I think that makes the game a lot more fun as well. I obviously don't say anything if the killer is face-camping, nodding yes-yes and hitting on hook until you die, IG now we have anti-camping mechanic but even before, I'll just hit that Continue button asap lol.

  • Member Posts: 9,721

    There's a little arrow thing next to the chat. Clicking that removes the chat. You can show the chat against by clicking the arrow button again.

  • Member Posts: 944

    Don't say gg after a stomp it's just lacking common sense, people will actually report you for that, imo endgame chat shouldn't exist like console dbd, it's way better

  • Member Posts: 1,411

    In those instances, I might, as previously stated say: that was a rough map but still wp <3

    Yes, I even add a heart, if that's still condescending to people then GL in the real world jfc.

    I thought that only hid it in pre-game lobby but not afterwards, but I might be mistaken. But thanks anyways.

  • Member Posts: 944

    yes I'm sure all reports are 100% legit and not for dumb reasons, say gg after a stomp and I will report you for chat abuse, if you lack common sense you deserve it

  • Member Posts: 1,411
    edited November 2023

    So you're the type. You also completely assumed that I would say that after a stomp, which I didn't say nor state anywhere. So you clearly cannot read either. So much common sense you have. GL being you!

  • Member Posts: 3,986

    Yes, this is one of those scenarios where you have to read the room. You have to remember that text doesn't have intination or facial expression to help with understanding meaning. This means the same phrase can be interpreted in many ways, and the way you read and interpret things largely depends on your mood at the time. This is why emojis exist to help convey that. For example:

    You're so stupid sometimes.

    You're so stupid sometimes. 😡

    You're so stupid sometimes. 🤣

    You're so stupid sometimes. 🧡

    After a particularly one sided game, tempers and emotions can be running high, and if at that moment you decide to exclaim "GG", it can come across patronising and antagonistic.

    That same person after a close fought contest that could have gone either way that ended in a tie, will have a completely different reaction to the same phrase.

    So while you aren't at fault, it's important to acknowledge that, yes, in some scenarios GG certainly does come across as toxic.

  • Member Posts: 625

    I just say GG in every match and if people want to get a stick up their but about it then that's their problem, not mine.

  • Member Posts: 9,721

    You can toggle both and their toggles are separate. So you can decide to keep end game chat and have turn off lobby chat or decide to keep lobby chat and turn off end game chat.

  • Member Posts: 7

    Some of these players be tilted off the face of the earth for god knows what reason, best to hit 'em with the good ol' gg and move on;

    maybe some of these players are rage baiting and trying to pretend they're upset about something only to rile up others, get some kind of reaction/need attention?

  • Member Posts: 1,749

    i don't say gg when it's possible to seem sarcastic.

  • Member Posts: 379

    Honestly, it was a tough decision as I've met a lot of cool people in the end game chat but I'm so tired of crybabies, complainers, and sore losers (or even entitled winners that still have something to gripe about) taking up most of what goes into end game chat aside from "GG" so I just turned it off also.

    I actually don't mind trash talk, I'm not sensitive to it and can dish it out, and it's actually fun using it as an opportunity to turn the screws on someone who is obviously tilted because it's funny to me when someone is so heated over a video game but yeah... the entitled complaining. I'm over it.

  • Member Posts: 128

    You're just a troll. You can report it all you want, but you'd have to submit evidence of "chat abuse" and gg is not chat abuse. gl with that, troll.

  • Member Posts: 2,511
    edited November 2023

    Is it that time already for the monthly sportsmanship thread? 🤔 I had it down for next Tuesday. I think someone e-mailed me the wrong calendar. LARRY!

    Drop a GG and say Hakuna Matata 🤗.

  • Member Posts: 9,721

    Honestly, I don't think those interactions really exist to that level anymore. A lot of people just quietly move on to the next game. While I don't innately have a problem with the concept of a chat censorship, seeing it censor character names and such really puts a hinderance on interactions as well. Then consoles don't have chat so with crossplay you often get lobbies where no one can talk either.

    In the current state, I don't think the chat actually brings anything positive anymore.

  • Member Posts: 1,925

    I think it might be the “that was a rough map” part honestly.

    If you are saying it to someone after they lost then they are probably frustrated and saying that might make them feel worse.

    If you say it after you lost then it’s just because people are jerks and they probably think you’re looking for an excuse as to why you lost so they bring out the “nah maps good you just suck” thing.

    I’ve never been flamed for saying “gg” beyond someone saying “nah” or “no that was a bad game”. But if I say more then there’s something for them to use against me.

    I don’t think gg or anything you said is toxic, but some people in this community love to attack everyone for no reason.

  • Member Posts: 6,155

    I feel like this is a big misperception. Most survivors move on when they're sacrificed because they just want to get to their next game. Most don't have any interest in hanging around until endgame just to say ggs. Killers are always there until the end of the match, so it feels like those who lose aren't being good sports. Those who win are also always there at the end of the game, so those are who the killer is likely going to communicate with.

  • Member Posts: 2,475

    A lot of the time when I say 'gg' after winning as killer, I'll have one or two survivors complain about me saying it, or "imagine saying gg after playing like that". Just comes across as sore losers really.

  • Member Posts: 5,979
    edited November 2023

    You're entirely misunderstanding what's happening here.

    In an online space, you cannot gauge how someone feels after an interaction. After a physical sports match, you can see it. You can feel the vibe, if you will. If you know you wiped the floor with someone, you're not gonna go "tough luck xxx". You'll shake hands or bow or whatever, and leave it at that. Nothing more. Which, might I add, is meaningless in itself. Because it's forced through the culture.

    "GG" is the closest equivalent, but it's still nowhere close an implied social rule. There's no people looking down at you when you don't say GG. Especially in DbD, where there's 5 people max, most of which will have left long before it even becomes relevant, nobody gives a damn if the chatbox remains empty. Hell, well over half the playerbase can't even use it, period.

    Why is it then that you're so hung up on someone not having the reponse you expect from them? They're under no rule, implied or otherwise, to return the gesture. This is not a sports match. You should be well-aware of that.

    But it's you who is taking the time to write out the "tough map but you played well <3". Writing that out in itself is not the standard, so it stands out - it's going to be read as a meaningful phrase, and it will be read in whatever way the reader is feeling like. In an online space, where "<3" has taken on the meaning of an implied sarcastic tone, the message of "tough luck" then turns into a phrase of condecension.

    Different cultures, different expectations.

    Hello hi i am a person on the autistic spectrum with a fascination (and deeply rooted hatred) for implied social rules.

    Post edited by EQWashu on
  • Member Posts: 1,006
    edited November 2023

    Salty losers are always going to get mad. The GG isn't the issue. They lost. That's what has upset them. Anything you say will set someone like that off.

  • Member Posts: 3,348

    It confuses me but I will simply keep saying gg and if people immediately think "but what if.. it means.. git gud..?" then I'm sorry but that's not my problem.

    I'm not gonna assume anything about others for not saying it back. Just like 99%+ of the time a gg is at worst just an empty formality, no response is probably 99%+ of the time a player that just clicked continue and went back in the queue which is totally understandable.

  • Member Posts: 1,878

    I think saying GG is usually fine, regardless of who says it first. I think that if you have a genuine, specific compliment on how someone played, that's also usually fine. But I wouldn't try to explain why someone lost -- even if it's just by saying, "That's a rough map."

  • Member Posts: 3,043

    Enough people have used "GG" in an ironic patronizing way for enough years that I don't view it as a genuine statement anymore.

  • Member Posts: 54

    I've had matches where ive out right destroyed the other side and still received a gg,I think it's more about "how you say it".Some gg's come off as someone saying ez though you probably shouldn't engage with someone who had a bad game.

    People love Pyramid Head though so it's hard to find someone who actually hated how the match went either way TBH

  • Member Posts: 4,187
    edited November 2023

    I wouldn't say it toxic per se and of course it's a "them problem" if the opposition can't ignore it, no matter their frustration.

    But on the other hand I would call it a "you problem" when you can't "read the room" or rather take/ignore negative feedback to your nicely meant gesture in a specific scenario.

    I find the position of viewing GG in the wrong moment as negativ relatable. From my experience 80-90% after game chat are silent or negativ and only 10-20% are neutral or even positiv (and before you come at me with "must be you", this was in the time I played extra friendly without Camping/tunneling/excessive slugging).

    If this is the experience for others then I don't blame them for taking a GG the wrong way after a lopsided game.

    My personal experience with giving negativ feedback to a GG was only once after a 5 event offering Match as blight (with whom I am incredibly bad/have had not enough experience) on old haddonfield that ended in roughly 5 minutes with only two hard fought hooks, 0 kills and less than 10k BP.

    Afterwards they gave me a rare GG, upon which I thought "of course a GG after such a stomp" and answered "not for me". And then I got showered with one of the worst examples of aggressive toxicity I ever saw in my time.

    So, sorry if some don't take kindly to your GG but their is always two sides to this.

    Post edited by burt0r on
  • Member Posts: 250

    GG WP = Get Good, Why Play

  • Member Posts: 1,411

    You can certainly gauge how someone is feeling when they outright say it. But that's not the point.

    Reason why I asked it here is because I wanted to see if others were experiencing the same or not, and those who do see it differently could explain why, which they did.

    I'm not hung up on anything, I in general, do not like it so see others being hurt or anything in that manner when I can do something about it (that's a me problem which I'm aware of, no worries🙂). I've gained a lot of friends through this game some thanks to the end-game chat as well, both while playing survivor and killer 🤷 so I know not everyone gets their knickers in a bunch over a misunderstood 'gg'.

    That being said, thanks to all of the above responses I've come to a conclusion and made a decision for myself. So thank you for sharing your insights as well. Have a good one! /sincerely

  • Member Posts: 169

    And this does nothing so "deserve" what exactly? You're too easily offended obviously.

  • Member Posts: 4,105

    In my opinion, GG is not condescending at all. Good games can also be supreme victories if the game was fair and held in a friendly way. I had horrible games where the killer tunneled and camped and we won those games with ease. No gg at all. And there were those games we got demolished by a very powerful, but fair playing killer. Absolutly gg 😀

    On the other hand, a "gg wp" after a 3 minutes game with no gen done / no hook stage is a different story.

  • Member Posts: 944
    edited November 2023

    All reports do nothing in dbd tho, why not send it anyway it's free ? i'm not offended I just don't type gg if I win easily, very hard concept to grasp apparently

    you never noticed most nurse/blight mains always type "ggs <3" after easy one sided games (with anime pfp 9/10 times) ? it's just taunting they dont mean it

  • Member Posts: 16,758

    It depends on the circumstances.

    I dont think that the majority of people who say "gg" after a bad game for the other side to it out of spite. I think it is mostly an automatism to write a quick "gg" after a game. Others probably want to do it to be nice.

    But given how the match went, I can totally understand why people dont like a "gg".

    A few days ago I had a game against a Nurse. She hooked two people (myself and another Survivor, who I then unhooked) and slugged everyone else. In the end, she one-hooked two Survivors and the other two were two-hooked. At 5 Gens. Nobody had more than 3k points, she completely destroyed our Survivor-Team. And a "gg" afterwards is not really nice. I wrote "Please dont be a bad winner", because this is how it feels like.

    I also dont like to get a "gg" if I really struggled in a game as Killer. I dont mind losing too much, even if I only manage to get one Hook total, it is most likely up to me anyway. But a "gg" when the other side probably did not have fun is not nice.

    I am also not saying "gg" if I won dominant as Killer or when the Killer really had an issue. I also dont think that writing "gg" is really the best thing to do when there is a DC or an early hook suicide. If the other players played well, something like "gg, shame for the DC, but you played well" or something similar would be better.

    So yeah, while I dont think that many people say "gg" to be toxic after the other side clearly did not have fun, I can understand why it can seem like the person wants to be toxic.

  • Member Posts: 944

    you guys love @me with empty messages, what is false champ ?

    I will continue to report people writing "ggs <3", you can't stop me

  • Member Posts: 5,979
    edited November 2023

    You report people for nothing, and then you’re surprised your reports don’t do anything?

    C’mon now. You can do better than that.

  • Member Posts: 828

    The difference is that in real life you can read your opponents facial expression and their tone of voice, so you know that it is a genuine expression of good sportmanship.

    I struggle to see a "gg" from an insidious basement bubba (I know, not possible anymore, it's just an example) as anything other than a provocation, trying to bait reactions like "a camping bubba ist not a good game". Obviously I just ignore those messages, answering a provocation is a waste of time, but I do not percieve them as genuine sportsmanship.

    Also, here is an example that not everybody means it in a positive way:

    Not every sport is competitive and/or team based btw.

  • Member Posts: 651

    At this point, I might as well close the post chat and move on to the game, if this is the case.

  • Member Posts: 685

    I don't disagree with much you've said, but I will say that the handshake in a actual physical competition, whether that be sports, chess, TTG, etc is an acknowledgment between players that win or lose, it was just a game, and not personal. It does serve a purpose, and a refusal of said acknowledgment is usually a sign of a person who can't disassociate the two and they usually have a reputation that follows their actions.

    The difference in DbD is it's a game, like most online games where players can play with the sole intent to antagonize and troll the other player(s), with less regard to winning. In most physical games this comes with penalties, up to and including being banned from play, therefore people are more sensitive to any sort of post game interaction regardless of intent, which can often be lost in the limited form of communication.

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