MMR woes

MMR is literally just making the game less fun. There are some times you have a streak of lucky matches and guess what??? Your reward is a ton of sweaty matches. There is no point to making someone have a worse time especially when there is no reward for high MMR. This is creating an incentive structure to throw games so people stay in a reasonable MMR. and don't even get me started about how we can't see it.
You'd prefer randomly facing opponents who either easily win or provide you zero challenge?
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4 random people is far better.
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Not for me. I'm sure my matches would be very one-sided either way against the vast majority of dbd players. There are unimaginable masses of new players, and many many sweaty experienced ones. MM works well, as it prevents me from meeting them most of the time.
Many dbd players feel they always face either babies or comp players, while in truth both are pretty mediocre. There are much better and much worse players we don't face. Try playing extremely casual or extremely sweaty for 100 trials, and you'll see what I mean.
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i kind of agree, like every time i play killer i get put against like a 10,000 hour team when i have like maybe 150 hours max playing killer, and even though i lose like the games never change, like i could stop playing killer for months and still get put with these ppl? same with my surv games like don't get me wrong its a bit better, but if i'm having a bad streak like the games just don't get easier which is kinda what i thought was supposed to happen? like after 10 bad games i still get put with that p100 7,000 hour blight main and get stomped on. i thought like mmr was supposed to drop bit by bit every death or something, unless i have a complete misunderstanding of how it works. it's like the team mates that i get are so baby but the killer has high mmr, like its putting us with survivors that will hide the whole game, but still give us a super 'high mmr' killer?
i don't really think the current mmr system is is particularly fun, or at the very least that its working as intended, however i don't think removing mmr is the way to go either. like i'm not saying i don't want a challenge, because having a killer with no hooks by the end of the game isnt particularly fun either, just want something like that allows me to actually play the game to an extent and not have everyone on death hook at 5 gens, or not have the killer be run for 5 gens or leave every chase when they see you.