Xenomorph Changes

I think Alien is in a fine spot but the problem with Xeno is the zero counter play in chase besides turrets. If you loop her you'll always get a hit guaranteed. If you vault you get hit; if you don't vault you get hit. Not just that it would be nice if she was more immersive!
Some Changes:
Xeno has to go get out of crawler mode if she wants to get a basic attack hit. It would have half the cooldown as it nomrally would.
Xeno's terror radius is removed completely. (We'll have more things because of this change)
Turrets cannot be destoryed anymore but still has a cooldown when you hit it.
Survivors walk normal walking speed while using the turrets.
There is a sound cue to when the xeno is about to strike with her tail. Or a better visual que.
Make emergency helmet base kit or partically basekit.
If the xeno hits you with a turret you'll drop it not break it. (Could still break it)
Maybe even have it to where the motion detector still goes off while holding it! (Could still scare the surivior knowing the alien is getting closer and closer)
Another fun thing I think would be replacing the hooks with some kind of hive. Since it would be hard to implement face huggers without making xeno unbearable or not true to the source material.
Now hooks are replaced with hives.
Stage 1 is where the the ovomorph will slowly open
Stage 2 it will launch on the survivor while you are trying to pull it off
Stage 3 The chestbuster will come out the survivor sacrificing them to the entity
I think these changes could make xeno more unique and fun to go against. Replacing hooks and having no terror radius would be super fun. We have never seen a killer with no terror radius base kit wise. Let me know how you guys think of it or some changes to make it more balanced! :)
I think Alien is in a fine spot
Well, you can just stop there. No need for rest of your post.
You are trying for full rework, that's simply not going to happen. They did it only with skull merchant, because she was so hated. Xeno is not really hated that much and also not played much since nerfs.
Higher penalty for missing made good enough counter play for survivors.
Removing fishing (drag tail down), which they didn't even mention in patch notes made Xeno quite boring in my opinion. That was fun thing to do and definetly not easy, I am not sure if they removed it on purpose, or Xeno is bugged again.
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Xeno is fine. He is strong in chase, true. But you can use stealth against him. Turrets are just warning you. So whenever you are hearing he is coming, just start run. And make him waste time for look you. Pre-dropping pallets are working against him, never greed against Xeno.
He is fine as he is. No change needed.
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Xeno is a joke in my opinion, you lose most times, when you use his tail.
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One thing I was thinking to help with survivors trying to play against the xeno's tail, is that when in Crawler Mode, the xeno's tail is now no longer curled on it's back like it is now. Instead it looks like it does in the end game screen.
But when the xeno goes for the tail attack, the tail springs up like it does now, this could give survivors a bigger visual indicator.
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No, she is not even that strong, most people have already adapted to her, you should too....
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Killers with no heartbeat are not really fun to go against because they just appear out of sight and get a free hit, that I combination with the tail attack will be more frustrating...
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The only real change worth mentioning is the addon which increases the range of her tail, way too strong in loop situations (it can hit you across the range of 2-3 boxes which is almost double a pallet range. Apart from that she's fine how she is.
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Do you want every killer to be a punching bag?
It's not about YOUR fun.
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Is my statement true or not? Stealth killers are usually not very fun to go against, that's all I said... If the statement is that he would be more fun to against as a stealth then obviously the answer is no, that's not true... He is already rather stealthy if you run monitor on him in crawler mode and comes out of a tunnel there is not much of a warning.
Do some of the other parts maybe improve the gameplay for the survivor side, perhaps, but that does not change my statement.
Also it is about my fun just as much as everyone else's, both sides are supposed to be fun, and despite liking killers like Myers and Ghostface I can still acknowledge that when played correctly they are not very fun to against because they pop up from an unseen angle and Oneshot you, not really fun gameplay is it?
Also Alien is not really a punching bag as it is? The killer ist probably still around A tier and at least in the top 15 of killers so I don't see how anything I said can be interpreted in that direction? A killer can be strong and fun, those two are not exclusive...
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Hey guys I just wanted to thank you guys for the feedback! I didn't know how people saw alien really cause most of the time I just see people hate on her. I think it could've been the overtunned she got. I still personally love her to go against. you guys all have a wonderful day <3