Small Myers change

As some people know, Michael can go into Tier 3, and when he does it´s usually reccomended to try and down as many people as possible to reduce the number of survivors working on generators and get value out of each second you may not get otherwise. In order to not make this the prevalent way to play T3, I´d suggest pausing the EW3 timer when carrying a survivor. This way, you as a Michael player get more control over how you spend your time, given the carry+hooking process won´t be an atrocious time waster anymore, and as a Survivor player you are less likely to run into Michaels who could leave you on the floor for a long while, regardless of how toxic one may or may not consider such a thing to be.

Other changes could be made to boost his idea of "normal, M1 killer who does everything else a little better", but given how important EW3 is to his gameplay, I´d say this would be a healthy change overall without introducing too many scary new concepts.
