Deja Vu vs. Visionary

UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,033
edited November 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

I want to say first... I love Deja Vu. It's one of my favourite survivor perks, so I'm not advocating for nerfing it... however... It's existence as is makes Visionary absolutely pointless.

I'd happily run Deja Vu just for the permanent 3 gen detection alone, the extra repair speed is just an amazing bonus.

Visionary allows me to see gens near me within 32m (boostable by Open Handed) and similarly assess 3 gens situations, but I have to actively move around, calculate and work for that information. I also lose it for 16 seconds when I complete a gen on top of missing the repair boost, and this just makes it a complete second fiddle.

This seems backwards to me, if either of them should have a cooldown, it should be Deja Vu.

Either that, or Visionary should have the repair bonus as the potential to 3 gen yourself is greater if you unga bunga it.

This would give each perk positives and negatives worth considering. Either way, whichever gets both the bonus and CD, the repair bonus would get disabled whenever another gen pops, which seems reasonable for the benefits it brings. A 16s cooldown seems reasonable if I'm getting a 6% boost to repairs in exchange.

An alternative would be to buff Visionary, but even without the CD, I see little reason to take it over Deja Vu... I'd be equally as reluctant to just slap a repair bonus on Visionary as well.



  • Astel
    Astel Member Posts: 650

    I think we need to rework visionary. I am thinking about some ideas for Visionary especially to benefit SoloQ.

  • ChrissyG88
    ChrissyG88 Member Posts: 22

    I agree, visionary is completely useless right now. I think the perk as whole needs to change rather than simply buffing it.

    My suggestion for visionary:

    Whenever a killer comes within 16 metres of an incomplete generator, the killer's aura is visible to the survivor with visionary for 5 seconds with a 120/90/60 second cooldown. If the survivor has blindness status effect during the cooldown, then the cooldown timer is paused.

    It would be fairly useful at best without being OP at all, but at least it wouldn't be as completely useless as it currently is. It would be a similar effect as the perk Alert.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,238
    edited November 2023

    Giving Visionary more traits shared by Deja Vu risks either just usurping the place if Deja Vu, or it simply will never be enough to beat it.

    Best thing to do is to give Visionary a different effect, such as extending it's aura reading to other objects, or tracking repair progress or something. It could also permanently display the aura of completed gens in white so you can estimate where the other gens are.

  • Master_Royce
    Master_Royce Member Posts: 5

    How about simply being able to see all gens on the map at all times?