Slippery Meat Buff Suggestion

VortexVentamy Member Posts: 62
edited November 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

Slippery Meat is a unique and silly perk, however I recently had an idea to make it a bit better.

With the soon to be removal of Camaraderie in the general pool of perks, I thought about another way for survivors to still have an anti-camp option while still being a general perk. Slippery Meat I think could perfectly fit that as it already is about trying to get off hook.

Along with it's normal effect, if the killer is staying still within 30 meters of the hook, the unhook-self bar increases faster. The speed could be a flat rate of say 50% or it could increase the longer the killer stays still say 10%-->70%. I think to stop the killer from just wiggling to stop this perk from working, they have to move 2 meters for the speed to restart.

To be honest I do not know the exact range or math in the anti-camping mechanic but I think this would stop killers from standing at the very edge and camping. Additionally, this would allow Slippery Meat to still have a use after the first hook! I am open to any comments.