Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Rework alien / the xenomorph into a more fun killer

I saw an incredible comment that recommended that instead of charging crawler mode, you start in crawler mode the go into sprinter mode like in Alien isolation!

starting as a stealthier m1 killer able to use the vents to stalk while having a small terror radius then activating the ability to go into an unstoppable mad dash like oni except instead you get a passive substantial speed boost like 7.0m/s but loose all stealth capabilities and go full commitment to chase and hunting, while standing up in runner mode it can no longer use the vents and will have the biggest terror radius, while also making their foot steps into loud stomps and also making them occasionally make a loud screech. No instant downs like Michael, but instead give Them the tail attack in this mode.

Of course to offset this strength make the turrets actually useful by making them apply the hindered status effect for a moment. When taken out of runner mode they will be stunned and be blinded like a flashlight blind, and show the aura of the xenomorph for 10 to 15 seconds when taken out of runner mode, this will be the main way to drain runner mode still. While in runner mode maybe for extra balancing make your vision very slightly obscured like the aliens blurry visor vision in that one scene from Alien covenant.

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