PC - Stuck by outward door in killer shack at Garden of Joy

ogdwight Member Posts: 2


I played as killer at Garden of Joy, the variant where the killer shack is facing the entrance of the main building, with the exit gate right behind it. The pallet was on the door facing outward at the exit gate, and this is where I got stuck when I downed a survivor. This happened less than an hour before the time of this posting.

  1. On PC (Steam), I loaded into a public match as killer: specifically, Demogorgon, running perks Nowhere to Hide, Dark Devotion, Jolt, and Lightborn; add-ons Barb's Glasses and Eleven's Soda; and a Devout Spotted Owl Wreath offering. In case it matters, I had equipped Demo's default head and arms, and his Shackled Monster torso.
  2. Played the game as normal, chasing the survivors around the map and hooking a couple; one of the survivors tried to exit the game on hook, was saved by a teammate as they reached second stage, and stayed still by the hook, spawning crows. When the bug happened, they moved toward the exit gate, right by the pallet door.
  3. I chased one survivor and shredded to them right at the pallet (which hadn't been dropped), downing them. After the shred, I ended up at the steel barrels to the right of the pallet door. It was then that I noticed I couldn't move. I tried shredding away, and I was still stuck. The downed survivor crawled toward me, I picked them up, I still couldn't move; they wiggled off and walked away.
  4. I had to disconnect from the game as I couldn't move.

I'm sorry I don't have pictures or logs to provide. But I thought I'd make this post in case it hasn't been reported yet, or perhaps it was just an issue on my end.

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Under Review · Last Updated

Thank you for taking the time to report this issue, we are forwarding this to the team for their review.