Buckle Up makes We're Gonna Live Forever look like a joke

Think about it. WGLF requires unhooking, taking protection hits, pallet saving and flashlight saving just to give endurance ONE TIME to ONLY the person on the ground, while Buckle Up doesn't need anything and gives BOTH survivors endurance. How does this design make any sense? Before you ask, no, increased healing speed to the person on the ground is not worth it.
IMO these two perks should switch effects. WGLF gives both of you endurance but requires activation first, and Buckle Up doesn't need activation AND you can heal them faster but only gives one person endurance. Thoughts?
Evidently, design decisions are in the hands of people with little to no DbD perk knowledge.
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I wouldn't switch off the fast heal of Buckle Up, but I would switch the Endurance effects. WGLF lets you heal dying survivors faster and if you've been altruistic in the past, it rewards the both of you with Endurance on pick-up. Buckle Up solely awards Endurance to the picked up survivor, making it easier but doesn't benefit the user. That is much healthier if you ask me.
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All they really need to do is reduce the timer for buckle up. But if they want to make it interesting I would recommend the following: they can give buckle up 4-7s of use. This will add the 50/50 effect that the dev's love and the timer could be based off of the killers proximity.
Any other change would kill the perk completely which would just mean another overhaul down the line.
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You got it switched up brother.
Buckle up makes WGLF completely irrelevant.
Yes... a perk that has no token requirements (Buckle up, Permanent free value) is that much stronger than a perk that requires tokens.
Buckle up shouldn't have been buffed.
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I know what the effects are. What I was saying is what I would change the perks into. Because yes, Buckle Up being so much better than WGLF is a problem.