The Good Guy Feedback

dance Member Posts: 75
edited November 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

The Good Guy has arrived and he's ready to be friends 'til the end! We'd love to hear your feedback playing as, or against, Chucky.

You can read more about Chucky's Power and Perks in the Update 7.4.0 Patch Notes.

Tell us below what you think of The Good Guy below.



  • Unequalmitten86
    Unequalmitten86 Member Posts: 162

    You can add whoever you want to the game but until you address core problems such has hardcore tunneling, camping, perk abuse stacking (both sides), matchmaking, etc the gameplay will never change. I logged on to my switch account never played a game ever on there and was matched up with a Prestige 56 and 75 of course Chucky wiped the floor because he just camped the gens. Console players always have it dodger than PC and it shows.

  • Yodakhiin
    Yodakhiin Member Posts: 17

    Chucky is pretty quiet. 12 matches without a single voice line. Tried everything from getting blinded to mori nothing happens. Would be nice if you address this asap.

  • Avo
    Avo Member Posts: 190
    edited December 2023

    He is not balanced.

    Post edited by Avo on
  • TheHero93
    TheHero93 Member Posts: 2

    Chucky’s mori animation needs to be fixed. His face comes up blank during.

  • CammyChameleon
    CammyChameleon Member Posts: 250

    I really think the footprint wall hacks need to be tuned way down. It's nearly impossible to use the stealth on Hidey-Ho mode one tiles like the ones on Midwhich. They can just see you too easily, and trying to use your power there is near impossible because of how short the loops are and you're not able to round the loops easily with your power because of the low Turn rate.

    For a change to help everyone + Controller players, please up the turn rate, it is way to hard to hit the power on control. Slightly manageable on the PC.

    Please just remove/down tune footsteps.

  • XenRedspike
    XenRedspike Member Posts: 37
    edited November 2023

    Post edited by XenRedspike on
  • Caiman
    Caiman Member Posts: 2,595

    Chucky has no facial animations on Switch. Other killers do, especially Spirit, so I don't believe it's a technical limitation.

  • Haddix
    Haddix Member Posts: 1,048

    His hit animation for a Slice and Dice isn't really responsive/satisfying. Kinda just looks like I'm middle fingering them to death lol? I wish there was a more pronounced swing like the M1.

    really well done tho!

  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,933

    Definitely the most fun I’ve had playing this game and I started on console release day, lol. He feels very balanced and fun for both sides. I’m still shocked at how awesome this dlc is. Great work guys

  • luimong
    luimong Member Posts: 1

    The Chucky DLC is not yet available on the PlayStation Store in the Hong Kong and Taiwan regions. Who and where can I report this to?

  • MikeStev
    MikeStev Member Posts: 384

    How about you make a way to input feedback via in-game? Do not hear your community only from this official forum and Reddit.

  • MoNosEmpire
    MoNosEmpire Member Posts: 649
    edited November 2023

    And please tell me you don't see blight being chuckys dad? LOL

  • Callahan9116
    Callahan9116 Member Posts: 127

    Very good except pc vs console hardware issues.

  • codebibi
    codebibi Member Posts: 79
    edited November 2023

    i think friends 'til the end should have a cooldown like make your choice because too many people are abusing this perk since he came out and also the 2 green add ons that show the aura of survivors should also be nerf i've seen a lot of people use them together and it gves too much information to the killer they are too op

  • Chiky
    Chiky Member Posts: 757

    I played against 1 last night and it was really fun. The fact that you can lose track of him is really good... I wish killers didn't have the red stain tho...

  • NotJared
    NotJared Member Posts: 442
    edited November 2023

    I'm currently finding The Good Guy generally incredibly fun to play against! He's scary, and exciting! I love playing as him, and the stealth/footfalls are very fun and scary.

    Playing against him, the sheer height alone could be considered a power. He has a lot of inherent advantages that many killers don't, such as being able to look around corners with the camera or just not being able to be seen due to his height.

    I will say, though, it feels there are many situations where it feels like there is nothing a survivor can do to avoid getting hit by the Slice and Dice, and that feels pretty awful and aggressively unfun to go against.

    Players are figuring out how to curve around corners during the dash and flick the camera during the swing, and with the massive size of the Slice and Dice collision (and the lack of a locked camera once the swing is in motion) it feels almost futile to even attempt to dodge the dash. There are many situations where it feels like no matter what you do in chase, you will lose.

    I don't want to necessarily see the character made clunkier, because he feels AMAZING to play as! And dodging the Slice and Dice is still exciting. But definitely some tightening of the collisions to make the Slice and Dice hits less incredibly generous would feel good, in addition to some tighter camera restrictions while swinging at the end of the dash.

    There has also been the discovery that you can look down to dash at tighter angles against walls and after scampering mid-dash and make "hug tech" plays. Being able to do these "hug techs" makes it incredibly difficult to make any kind of dodging maneuver, as it allows The Good Guy to dash in nearly any direction! I've seen it be used to make full circles around loops in the time of a single dash. I don't think this is a healthy thing to leave in the game, and it's nearly impossible to avoid.

    I also think Friends 'til the End is a very beginner-unfriendly perk. It has a lot going on for it, and the sheer length of aura reading on it is incredibly powerful against those who may not understand what's going on, and the constant location/aura reveals on every hook (especially towards the end of the game) can feel very annoying and oppressive. I don't think the perk is particularly "overpowered" or too strong, but I think it is quickly becoming very annoying to play against in a very similar fashion that Ultimate Weapon is.

    I also think Hex: Two Can Play needs a small buff to make it more of a threat, and to even make it feel worth using. One of the biggest spots where Hex: Two can Play can fall short is when survivors can blind killers with their flashlight for a total length of time that's longer than Two Can Play's effect. Killers are blinded for 2 seconds by default, and many flashlight addons can increase the duration even further. If this is used against a killer running Two Can Play, then the "revenge blind" against the survivor lets up before the Killer's blind even lets up so they can take advantage of it!

    The same goes true for stuns; when a killer is pallet stunned for 2 seconds by default, survivors already have time to recuperate from the blind before the killer can get their bearings.

    For this reason, Hex: Two can Play feels like it must be combined with Enduring to speed up stuns to guarantee that the Killer can get back on their feet and moving to be able to take advantage of Two can Play's effect before the Survivor's blind even wears off.

    It would be nice to see a duration increase on Hex: Two can Play's effect, especially considering the time it can take to get it to even activate and the fact that it can be deactivated before any worthwhile value is gained from it a la totem cleansing!

    Overall though, this chapter is incredibly fun on all fronts, and I think some things needs just some slight tweaks and adjustments here and there!

    Post edited by NotJared on
  • Axx
    Axx Member Posts: 392

    I feel like you need to adjust the noise Chucky makes. I understand the need for the footprints, but that with the chuckle, it makes it so you can't even sneak up on people while using Hidey-Ho and Hex: Plaything. People just hear you and shift w, which is an easy and very strong thing to do vs a 110% speed killer.

  • AhoyWolf
    AhoyWolf Member Posts: 4,099
  • HandsomeJack_049
    HandsomeJack_049 Member Posts: 131
    edited November 2023

    Chucky feels great to play as and against!

    I love that when facing Chucky, you get immense value out of corner techs when they are stuck in the slice and dice animation. It also helps that the slice and dice ability doesn’t have the flexibility of a Blight rush! I’ve juked more than a few Chucky’s now by hugging the final turn tighter than their ability allows them to hit.

    Playing as Chucky it feels great to go for the M1 and then using Slice and Dice to catch up and either get the down or continue the chase right away. I will say that there seems to be some issues with invisible hitboxes, but that's not unique to chucky.

    You guys knocked it out of the park on this one! 

  • Atno1
    Atno1 Member Posts: 2

    All but one match today was against Chucky and he's way too overpowered as far as the terror radius removal from perks. No matter which skin you use, he's too small to see even halfway easily unless you're on a large map with very few obstacles. The lack of a terror radius with whichever perk does it makes it <bleep>'n impossible to win a match if you're the last, or one of the last 2, in the match. He can just tail you til you get to the gate, then one-shot you without you even knowing he's on that half of the map. The speed that little bugger can move is insane in comparison to other "stealth" killers is insane as well.

    Other games I've played eventually dealt with the power creep factor as they evolved, or they fell into virtual oblivion (WoW comes to mind). Power creep has definitely arrived in DBD and it's ruining the game for the survivors. I know the game is geared primarily toward the killers, but that's all you'll have if no survivors are willing to even bother trying.

  • WiseTraveler
    WiseTraveler Member Posts: 131

    The footfall mechanic is underwhelming, as a survivor I barely see any fake trails and the trails go missing when the killers are near by. I feel there should be way more fake foot trails to confuse survivors but to also indicate to survivors that Chucky can use the slice-and-dice attack or scamper.

  • LordHeXaGoN
    LordHeXaGoN Member Posts: 89
    edited November 2023

    GoodGuy addons feels awful! Thats it. In base, its VERY strong ability. But most addons are BAD. It s nothing to say!

    One of them (very RARE "Mirror shards") litirelly do NOTHING!

    Only time shows, how his kit is balanced.

    And if u choose to change it in a bad way, it will be sad/

    So i got outplayed 1st time of 80+ (I lost the count) matches with +4 result.

    U can outrun him, and can dodje his dash if u good at predroping pallets!

    What can i say, this is 4.4 with strong ability in chase. (with piece of stealth)

    And nothing more.

    Like huntress slinger ect ect

    Post edited by LordHeXaGoN on
  • DrDucky
    DrDucky Member Posts: 675

    You just need to practice with the killer, took me half of one match to finally start landing his dash.

    Overall love the killer, super fun and a unique design with a pretty high skill celling and a moderate skill floor.

  • DrDucky
    DrDucky Member Posts: 675

    He is a 110 killer which makes him the second slowest stealth killer in the game. If you think chucky is fast for a stealth killer, you must really hate wraith.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,236

    I think he has some great add ons. He has a couple that really transform him into a stealth killer like Rusty Nails, as well as others that go all in on Slice and Dice.

    I'm liking how versatile he is. He can do a bit of everything, semi-stealth, minor mobility boost, chase power, anti-loop. An all-rounder but much more effective than Freddy, because you direct his playstyle via add ons.

  • playhard
    playhard Member Posts: 279

    rectify that hitbox pallet on the goodguy and hit

  • Hex_Ignored
    Hex_Ignored Member Posts: 1,867

    I still think pallet scamper speed is too high. Unlike legion or wesker, Chucky doesn't have to go through an animation after scampering and can immediately m1 or slice&dice. This is further amplified by the running shoes add on.

  • AhoyWolf
    AhoyWolf Member Posts: 4,099

    He can do a lot of stuff, however, some of his add-ons do that quite poorly...

    The ones that decrease Terror Radius are quite pointless on a Killer that can go Undetectable quite frequently, especially the Silk Pillow since that one also gives you a hefty downside. Pile of Nails isn't really that good, if you want to use it, you have to completely deplete your power, or use it last second, which isn't ideal when you can use Slice & Dice / Scamper last second for much better results than going stealthy for slightly longer.

    I mean, since the PTB, most of the Slice & Dice add-ons don't really do that much, most of them just increase or decrease stuff (poorly), I myself cannot even notice a difference when playing with or without certain add-ons compared to their PTB version (like the Electric Carving Knife or the Good Guy Box).

    I wish there were more fun add-ons, like imagine if there was an add-on that focused on chaining the Slice & Dice Scamper vaults, kinda like Blight's movespeed add-ons, it would give you 10% stackable movement and scamper speed increase per chained vault, that would be hilarious.

    Also it's criminal that the most funny Killer in the game doesn't have a meme add-on, just imagine if he had a meme add-on that would alter his gameplay similary to how Plague's meme add-on does!

    But all of that is just wishful thinking and we're stuck (most likely) with add-ons that slightly increase / decrease certain aspects of Chucky's power.