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Chucky Killer Queue Times

is anybody else struggling to find a game when they ready up as chucky? i’ll load a survivor game and it works almost instantly but when i play as chucky it takes for ages to find a game.. was fine on release but now it i can be waiting up to like 10/20 mins to find a game then i just give up and go back to playing survivor.

i’m on console and just wondering if anybody else is having these issues?


  • Yeah since this update "only" brought 1 killer and no survivor. People are more eager to play the new killer, and not so eager to play the same survivors.

  • Lilly00900
    Lilly00900 Member Posts: 5

    Since the new update is only a killer it will probably be like this for a week or two. Long queue times are a result of multiple people trying to play killer and not enough survivors to play against.