Why can't survivors see the base-kit deliverance on the hud?

I'm referring to the anti-face camping mechanic. This is an issue that affects only soloQ not SWF but when a killer is camping whether it's proximity or face camping, it is rather difficult for other survivors to estimate the hook survivor's deliverance bar. It raises the following questions,
- "Should I run in for the save now or let their bar fill up?"
- "Am I too close to them? Should I leave the area?"
- "Is the killer too far? Maybe I should unhook them instead?"
I hope you get the gist. The lack of transparency with this base-kit mechanic makes it harder to take advantage of and I think survivors fail to remember it's even there. While we're on this topic, I'd like to bring up the idea that "hook" perks like deliverance and reassurance should appear on the hooked survivor's bubble icon to better indicate of the perk's existence. I know reassurance highlights the bleeding bar, but this may not clear for certain players.
Trying to get this thread some more attention because this would help tremendously with randoms.
Just had a match where a spirit tried camping but my meter paused around 90% because they wanted the save. They went down btw.