By Hook or Crook ( remix) not loading random perks.


This bug has happened before where the challenge is equipped but it gives you your perk build in game you had on your loadout but gives the random perk build on the endgame scoreboard.

I play on Switch map was Toba Landing was playing as Clown and my random perk build should have been Discordance, Pop, Distressing and Undying.

2 votes

Under Review · Last Updated

Thank you for taking the time to report this issue, we are forwarding this to the team for their review.


  • BugReporterOnly
    BugReporterOnly Member Posts: 370

    Going to an empty loadout equipping perks I had as a test and the challenge worked. Seems like the same work around as when it happened before. Going to a different loadout page I used 3.