Make BBQ A Fun Perk Again

The current BBQ is quite a mediocre perk in terms of its design and is currently in contention with another perk with similar design to it. This is not good, because there will be a time where this perk may get overshadowed by one that will end up significantly better than it.
This is why I want to make a suggestion that makes this perk appealing to run for itself while giving players a new playstyle and challenge to deal with:
Barbecue & Chili
After hooking a Survivor, the auras of all other Survivors past 32 meters are revealed to you for 3/4/5 seconds. If the Survivor you hook is the Obsession, you gain the following benefits:
- The aura reveal of all other Survivors is doubled in duration.
- You gain a stack-able 12.5% bonus Bloodpoints at the end of the Trial, up to 100%.
Once the Obsession is hooked, another Survivor becomes the Obsession. Survivors cannot become the Obsession again until all Survivors have been cycled through at least once, or unless a Survivor perk transfers the Obsession state to them.
- This would make the perk a much more appealing perk thanks to its returning utility by giving bonus Bloodpoints to Killers. There is no reason not to re-add the bonus since it's just Bloodpoints, they don't do anything but help progressing through the Bloodweb in a positive manner.
- This would make the perk more interesting and fun for both sides since it incentivizes going for other Survivors on a constant basis and returns the anti-tunneling aspect of the perk.
- This would add a challenge to the Killer to try and earn 8 different stacks of this perk in order to get the maximum reward possible, which increases the potential for fun.
There's nothing overpowered about this so I say go for it. The more interesting perks the better.
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they already said that they do not want perks to be selected on other "bloodpoint" merit. Both BBQ and Prove thyself bloodpoint bonuses were removed as a result.
You should want to not tunnel with 0 perks. Not anti-tunnel because perk says to not tunnel.