Styptics should be removed from the game

Doesn't seem fair
They should just remove survivors. How they dare to use items and add-ons.
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Bro is impatient to wait 5 long seconds
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To be fair, there is presently no way to tell if that medkit just disappeared because the survivor is now going to have endurance for 5 seconds or be healthy in 15.
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And so? You always have to wait 5 seconds.
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Unless that next pallet or vault is only 4 seconds away. You don't know if you can swing at them and down them before they use it, or if you're just going to give them an extra speed boost to get even further away.
I don't think Styptcis should be removed for the record, I just think there should be some visual distinction between Styptics and Anti-Hemorrhagics.
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Waiting 5 seconds will counter either add on anyway.
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I struggle to use them effectively. What’s the best way of using the Styptic?
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Nah, let them start on hooks. That way the killer gets points for killing them.
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When the killer can't see you, do it. Then don't run into them but try to make it to a pallet or vault. Vault is better, because fast vaults are immune to grabs. Therefore the killer will be in a lose-lose situation. You have successfully used a 3rd health state.
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I think endurance in general should have an indicator. With so many sources running around these days.
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Oh okay I’m starting to get it. Thank you for the reply!
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The new blood always keep it entertaining around here man. You could play legion for a little while if u really don't wanna deal with the endurance.
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I've been playing Legion.... gets boring when people stop you from using your power by body blocking though
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super annoying when that happens
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Nah styptics are fine. They already stole some of its duration + it eats med kits. It doesnt feel good to play against but that doesnt make it inherently unbalanced.
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Your welcome
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They already nerfed them by a couple seconds, they're perfectly fair. There's fair counterplay to them because the killer can see if they consume the medkit and can just wait a few seconds and hit them.
I'm sure there might be some very rare times when it could put a killer into a lose-lose situation but the very few times I even see styptics in my games, the survivors make it painfully obvious and they don't really have a plan against me just waiting it out.
Also with the nerfs, the space of time between a styptic and a syringe is so wide that it's just not an issue.
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Yeah, and syringes as well
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1st, it's 24s base if you use it on yourself. It doesn't change with the medkit. So just count to 5 wait an extra second and then hit them.
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As I've already said to someone else, that works in a vacuum sure, but in actual gameplay it will rarely ever be that simple.