Singularity Buff

So, even though this killer has been released quite recently, I still think this killer's power is a bit lacklustre when it comes to chasing survivors. The concept for this killer is absolutely awesome, don't get me wrong. But Singularity still feels weak AF, and it makes it impossible to use your own power, because survivors are on purposely abusing the EMP's, making it hard to chase survivors at all, or use the bipods. It makes me want to DC in nearly every game I go in, playing as Singularity. So, I hope I proved my point. Anyway, here are some changes I would like to make, to buff Singularity and make him stronger.
Spawning With More Biopods
• The Singularity will now spawn in with 14 biopods to use. (Was 10) Singularity now has better surveillance on survivors in the environment.
EMP Deactivation Time
• EMP's will now deactivate a biopod down to 30 seconds. (was 45 seconds)
EMP Supply Crates
• EMP Supply Crates will now print an EMP for each supply crate, after the EMP has been used.
• Survivors no longer see the auras of supply crates.
Biopod Tagging Range
• Biopods can now tag survivors 24 meters away. (Was 20 meters)
Now, I don't know if these will be good changes or not, these are only my suggestions. But hopefully this doesn't make Singularity too strong or too weak, but stronger than he currently is right now. Anyway, thanks for reading, and I hope these changes come soon.
I really think this buff/change for Singularity will help improve his gameplay and overall performance in the trials, making him a deadlier threat and not so weak using his power.
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It's been 8 months since the killer was released, and aside from a small buff upon release, he hasn't changed. The community has provided plenty of ideas for changes and QoL, and even if they were all to be disregarded, the devs are perfectly capable of finding their own solutions. The major issue is that the devs are excessively slow.
I no longer ask myself "how can Singu be improved?" but "WHEN?"
I'm starting to think that it will take a miracle for Singu to become more playable before the death of the game...
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He doesn't really need buffs all that much, mostly just QoL. He's a very high skill floor killer compared to the rest of the cast, it should be expected that his pick and winrates are low.
EMPs haven't felt like that huge a burden to me. Smart placements if you wanna play territorially force survivors to use multiple EMPs to clear out the gen, and if an EMP gets used in chase, reapplying slipstream is usually ridiculously easy - the barest of time losses compared to print times.
I also worry that your proposed changes to significantly nerf EMP acquisition and usage would buff gen defense strategies focused on trying to hold the game hostage, which whilst weaker than prior to anti 3-gen changes could still function to more easily win games in public matches against less organised survivors, and I'd really prefer for my main to not become the new "Chess Merchant".