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Trials are allowed to start even if all players aren't loaded in?


I just had a weird game where I was trying to do my daily rituals, and this match was taking a bit longer than normal to load. But I know the game or system wasn't frozen cause the task manager was showing the game running like normal & the loading screen was still showing the event messeges/tool tips.

So anyway I get into the game, and I immediately hear a Gen being worked on as the game does that camera spin. I see my perks and sed Corrupt Intervention has already used up 1/2 of the timer already. I was like what gives!?

I don't know if it was a case of the game not loading me properly or I got really paranoid because the lobby I ran into had crossplay players and they all had unrecognizable characters. because the survivors I ran into was doing weird stuff like blinding me multiple times even tho I was facing a tall wall in my pickups. The first few times I thought it was just background player and they got the right angle. But it kept happening despite downs in tall loopsm

Another weird instance of wiggling off a bit faster than normal despite no flipflop or that yui perk that makes allies wiggle faster. I got weirded out that instances where no one was around to blind me.

You know how you can count to like 10 grunts before the bar is full right? So I started counting when pick up so counted and they got off in like 6-7.


  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,185

    Sometimes the start may lag for someone a bit - had this happen a few times where someone moved slightly before I was able to or the other way around.

    though it should not be as long as you described - still possible to be some kind of bug.

    but the other stuff you describe is ‚subtle‘ cheating if you didn’t run Shadowborn and there really wasn’t any wiggle perk.