Time to Remove DC Time Penalty for Survior?

Lately, I have been encountering a lot of survivors who sacrifice themselves on the hook or, if they can't do that, play erratically; ruining the game for the other survivors. When asked why they throw the game, the answer has always been because they want to "go next" and don't want to DC to avoid the time penalty.

Now that we have bots implemented to replace survivors who DC, I believe this is a good opportunity to assess the current DC penalty system now that a survivor DCing impacts a match less.

I know I would prefer a player leave a match they don't want to participate in instead of throwing the match and ruining the game for the other players; killer included.


  • Raconteurminator
    Raconteurminator Member Posts: 618

    Problem is, everyone will just DC for whatever reason they want. Hooked first? DC. Dropped a pallet too late and got downed? DC. Somebody else DC'd? DC. When I play Survivor, I don't want bots on my team because it impacts the experience. When I play Killer, I don't want to be forced to face a team of bots, because that's not what I clicked Find Game for.

  • adaw0ng
    adaw0ng Member Posts: 694

    Don't you see the problem of allowing people to freely disconnect removes any sort of commitment to play the game? There would be not a singular match with all 4 survivors without disconnecting. This already has happened before during the times they would remove the dc penalty due to in-game bugs. 1 in 10 games would have all survivors staying in the game and playing it out. It's a comlpete chaos.

    DC bots are a tool to help with random disconnections, not to pick and choose what game you want to keep playing or not. Bots are extremely unreliable as team mates and boring to play against as killer. Also if DC penalty is removed for survivors, killers will ask "but what about me DCing as killer?" and trust it will take them decades to design bots for all killers in the game at the moment, let alone the ones to come.

    Absolutely big fat NO to this idea, and I am glad the devs have stated previously that they will not do it for the reason of it completely removing any commitment to play out any match.

  • Ebisek
    Ebisek Member Posts: 106

    I never quit Age of Empires match, never quit Call of Duty match. Never DC in other XX games I play online.

    We say the "fish stinks from the head".

    There are tons of problems in this game giving people reason to DC. There is no PING latency filtering. Anticamp mechanic (after 7 years is JOKE). Hitboxes, collisions boxes. 50cm survivor can block all others on 180cm wide stairs. Why the people are still surprised that someone want to quit toxic match?

  • GRIG0
    GRIG0 Member Posts: 308
    edited December 2023

    I understand ppl wanting to punish those who DC for no reason (being in a match with a hacker is a valid reason, for example). But tbh these ppl will just kill themselves on first hook, run to the killer if unhooked, vault spam or simply afk...so when it comes to ruining others' game (usually survivors), they'll do it no matter what.

    DC penalties even tho understandable, just promote suicides on hook with no bot replacement and ppl stuck with hackers or toxic players.

    Those who don't want to play, will not play.

    Even if you penalize early suicides on hook...it wouldn't matter when it comes to ppl refusing to play. If the objective is punishing ppl for the sake of punishment, then cool...but if you WANT a match where ppl doesn't throw on purpose...good luck 😂

    Also, please force the match to end if there are 3 bots, please.

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,050

    If you remove DC penalties you hit this problem:

  • Unequalmitten86
    Unequalmitten86 Member Posts: 167

    Totally agree. Never quit a game ever no matter how bad it was until recently. This is the worst it has been and I was in one game where a Ghostface was able to still camp in a spot in the basement or above it everyone DC'd. It was pathetic of the killer really. I am so sick of every game with every killer just proxy camping this anti camping garbage and waiting for you to get off so tunnel you right out. Why would anyone want to play survivor unless they want to play in a toxic SWF against a killer. Not only that you are having team mates not doing a single thing.