Friends to the End is SLIGHTLY, very slightly, Overtuned

Do not get me wrong I LOVE THIS PERK, honestly both as survivor and as killer. Survivors definitely have counterplay and it incentivizes killers to go after someone immediately after hooking. Also making saboing and following more dangerous for the obsession. That being said, the aura reading is a tad too long. Eruption and Retribution are the only ones with longer timers. BBQ, Flood, Alien Instinct all have less that 10 seconds even with Lethal Attached. Im all ears only has 6 seconds. It just seems like it should be like the others at around 6 seconds.
Once you know they have it, just hop in a locker right before they hook. Too easy to counter. BBQ is superior in my opinion.
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Yeah thats fine that same counter works and I mentioned it had counterplay play. Its just that this aura lasts 2x as long as BBQ. That's all I am saying in a game where seconds do make a big difference 5-6 seconds vs 10 seconds is a lot.
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last twice as long because it only works on 1 person and 1 person can remove both primary benefits.
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then explain why Alien instinct only last 5 seconds and doesnt effect anyone if everyone is healthy
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Alien instinct is under-powered perk. needs buffs but dev are super safe with killer perks.
Uniquely, Alien instinct has access to oblivious but the value is so bad. 20 second for 1 person? Like maybe put at 30 seconds for all 4 people with 1 person being aura read. even then I am not sure whether i'd use it over other information choices. At least than there's maybe a choice in using it?
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Basically, buff Alien Incstinct and nerf Friends to the End. As a killer main I do feel its duration is too long.