Unlink Cheryl Cosmetic Sets please

The Moving On and Starting Over sets for Cheryl should not be linked. It does not make sense to me and I want her to be able to wear pants with some of the other shirts that she has. Can you please make this change BHVR?
You should probably ask Konami instead.
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Apparently - though sadly I don’t have a source so only hearsay - Konami responded to this already and said that it’s up to BHVR. It’s been a while and I tried to ask this question in the recent Reddit AMAs but well sadly didn’t get an answer there.
(and if anyone has got the source I would like to have it - may also be linking it if I get the chance to ask in a coming AMA again)
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I want the sets unlocked too.
As a p100 Heather it would be nice.
Is it up the behavior? If it is, please unlock them. That would be rad.
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It's likely something in the contract that was originally negotiated, which the greater Konami staff would not know of. So them saying "We have no control over that" could be true, but also not true as contracts can't just be changed on a whim.
That said, I do wish they were not linked. At least the heads are different, unlike Jill Valentine's linked cosmetics, the launch ones the head is identical to her default head.