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Quick Questions about bots


So I had a game just now where it said there was a bot that had replaced my teammate. I have 2 quick questions if anybody is able to answer. Thanks!

  1. If a player disconnects on the loading screen are they replaced by a bot, or is the game instead abandoned?
  2. Are bots a common occurrence or is this only typically seen in lower ranks?


  • White_Jesus
    White_Jesus Member Posts: 65

    Obviously the second question is super subjective, so if people don't want to answer that one it's totally fine

  • Skillfulstone
    Skillfulstone Member Posts: 447

    1: If a player disconnects before the game starts, the game will simply never start. Bots only replace players that leave mid-game.

    2: Well...that's a loaded question. Depends on a bunch of factors really.

    Is the Killer a Dull Merchant, a Tombstone Myers or Nurse? If yes, then the chances of a DC is very high no matter the MMR. The most likely scenario is every Survivor simply kills themselves purposefully on first hook to avoid the DC penalty.

    Is the Killer staring at a hooked Survivor from 17 meters away or guarding basement entrance from the top of the stairs? Chances of DC are high but more experienced players will likely slam gens and call the Killer cringe after they escape.

    The chance of DC is less reliant on rank and more on if the Survivors are SoloQ or in a SWF, although newer Survivors tend to DC a bit more (later they just die on hook).

  • White_Jesus
    White_Jesus Member Posts: 65

    Okay this sounds like a total win then from BHVR implementation perspective. If loading in the match dodges rather than forcing a bot, and if someone DC's they aren't completely gone because there's a bot instead! Also no more survivors disappearing from your shoulder as killer.

    Also TY for the second question answer. Sounds like the bot implementation hasn't really changed high mmr behavior as most people used to kill on hook to avoid dc as well, so no change there lol. Was just curious if maybe people DC'd more to leave a bot instead of a corpse lol.

  • White_Jesus
    White_Jesus Member Posts: 65

    Thanks for the super detailed reply! :)