Interesting Change Idea For Legion

So I was thinking of an interesting change idea that would make Legion more of an interesting killer without drastically changing how he functions and plays-
My idea is to make it so that whenever Legion is either outside of chase and/or his power he conceals his blade, loses his Red Stain(only that instead of his Terror Radius and I'll explain why soon), and he changes his running animation to match that of the survivors(Male Legion characters using the Male Survivor running animation while the Female Legion characters use the Female Survivor running animation).
The purpose behind this idea is to not turn him into a stealth killer at all, but rather make it easier for him to blend in since he has several skins that can make it easier for him to blend in with the survivors(including his default skin). Essentially hiding in plain sight instead of being full-on stealth like how he's portrayed in his trailer. It wouldn't change his gameplay loop dramatically, but it would definitely make him a bit more of an interesting killer with the ability to sneak up on some survivors who aren't paying full attention.
By removing his Red Stain only it would still allow survivors to react to hearing the Terror Radius, but it would make it harder to discern him from a normal survivor at a distance since the Red Stain is easily noticeable at times or on certain maps from a distance which goes along with the idea of him "hiding in plain sight."
And this idea likely wouldn't take as much coding and such as you'd probably think initially since the survivor running animation is already in the game and the coding for different killer "running" animations is already coded into the game on Ghostface who even puts his weapon away while out of chase and/or his power. The only things that would take a bit longer to finish would be to make the animation of him concealing his weapon and coding in the Red Stain removal since they have never done anything to remove only a killer's Red Stain before from my understanding.