Don't nerf Chucky, in fact buff him, here's why

I'll start by saying that i dont have time to debate every survivor main opinion here, either in solo q or in a swf , won't be doing that, i just hope the devs can see this, i also play equal survivor and killer with 4k hours of play time, and get to iri 1 on both each month... Etc etc.
1) Don't nerf the Chuck, in fact buff him, revert the 90 degree lock nerf, or lock it at 120 or something like that, because he now bumps into things.
2) Scamper is fine, survivors need to learn how to path vs him, just like you path different vs nurse or Spirit, you path different vs him, what are you doing hanging out next to a window if you know he can scamper
3) stop nerfing fun killers, god forbid someone other than nurse or blight are strong in chase!!, The Chuck is also no where near them... instead of nerfing killers, buff weak killers so there's not such a big gap between nurse and trapper/freddy, then unnerf gen/healing speed, no one has fun sitting on a gen for hours, and guess what Mimi?, you'll have to nerf gens again (make them slower), once you see the weaker killers not being able to keep up after the 3 gen change, most killers can't keep up unless they defend the last 3 gens, if good/fun killers keep getting nerfs, soon it'll be just nurse and blight for eveyone... And nobody wants that
Thanks devs, again not debating Chuck haters here.
Agree with everything. He is one of my most liked killers on both sides. I know from my friends that I may be alone with that.
I would only make his ability recharge faster or make scamper available outside of his ability, where it is a bit slower.