Ranking System

The ranking is too easy to get around. There are high (or low) rank killers and survivors purposely deranking to play easier games.Rank reset is pointless to the fact it helps those players derank even more. Some going as far as to create another account and switching between them when one gets to an easy level. It promotes disconnecting and a lot of times you're stuck with a teammate that does nothing or a toxic player as a new player.

The rank should go up based on experience and make you unable to derank. That way people are playing others who are actually their level and not an experienced player at level 17.


  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    A rank system where you can reach the highest rank in a few days and a monthly reset is completely pointless. Rank is a matter of grind and not skill. On top of that, there are no rewards for ranking up and SWF completely breaks the matchmaking system

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    @milo77727 said:
    The rank should go up based on experience and make you unable to derank.

    Do you mean by experience simply the amount of time you played the game?