Bruh why the coup hateðŸ˜ðŸ˜

This perk has a 2% use rate, and I find it to be so wrong, the perk is actually real decent in many characters, wesker, deathslinger, singularity the list goes on, my boy coup has been made dirty for some reason.
What are you talking? I can't understand. I found nothing wrong with Coup.
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You kinda just listed the reason. Some perks are universally helpful, while other perks are weaker depending on the killer. The universally helpful ones are naturally gonna show higher average pick rates while the killer specific perks might show high usage for those killers, but low usage overall.
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I’ve gotten hate for it before
Not allowed to have extended lunges
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Freddy already has Coup in his base kit
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What are you saying?
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Freddy’s Lunge is absurd
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Freddy has the same lunge as everyone else...
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Yeah I think all the Freddy he faced had bad ping or he felt like that because of his long claw.
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my homie has a total of 0 capabilities when it comes to sarcasm
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To quickly chime in, 2% usage really isn't too shabby for a perk. Something to keep in mind is that there are 115 Killer perks to choose from these days. If they were all used equally, they'd each be used about 3.5% of the time. For a DLC perk that's not in the current meta, 2% is actually fairly decent.
It's not too surprising given the kind of perk it is either. It can be really powerful in the right situation, but there's also some scenarios where the extended lunge isn't needed and gets wasted. As a general observation, the most popular perks tend to be those which provide a consistently useful effect or perks that the user has some control over.
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It just visually appears to be longer, probably because he's quite short and doesn't have a weapon to hold so his hand alone reaches the full distance.
Fellow Coup enjoyer here, btw, it made M1 killers much more fun.
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Are you going to change the perks that has no consistency or has lack of control and bring them to the same level as the perks that players do use?
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Apologies in advance, I can't really give a solid answer to this without going through every single perk that you might be talking about. The short answer is potentially, it really depends on the perk.
The longer answer is that not every perk is meant to fulfill the same purpose. Having some perks that provide a consistent value - even if that value is lower - is fine, but not everyone wants that. While something like Botany Knowledge might be your cup of tea, someone else might want to use a more situational perk like We'll Make It that provides a stronger bonus, but in more select situations. There's over a hundred perks per role to choose from at this point. It's okay if some of them aren't for you, you can only equip four at a time anyway, but some people like that added variety.
Of course we'll still continue to improve weaker perks that people don't feel are worth using, but the goal is not to make every perk work the same way. Strength and consistency are two different things. Perks are ultimately a tool to let people tailor the game to their playstyle, so if someone wants to risk running a perk with a powerful effect that may not even activate in a match, that's still a totally valid choice.
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a few reasons for this. First, it’s a perk on the twins and when people say they’re the least played, they mean it. They have a quarter of the pick rate of Freddy, the second least popular killer. But the main reason, I would say, is that it is a somewhat more complicated perk to use. It can take people a while to learn how far the base lunge can get you but adding coup on top of that means now you have to get used to how far that new lunge can get you. There’s also the issue with saving stacks. It can be somewhat hard to tell if it’s worth wasting a coup token on a non-boosted lunge to secure a hit. You also need to know what kinds of loops coup is effective on. I actually agree that this perk is amazing on m1 killers.
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It's badly designed like survivor perks giving various amounts of haste. There is no tell at all until they magically catch you where you would have been safe before. Chase in DBD should be a very consistent thing, but these perks muddy the water on top of map rng.
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Freddy has the standard lunge, every killer has except Huntress and Hag prior to patch 2.2.0 and Myers once he reaches Tier 3.
But Freddy never had a different lunge, it has always been the standard one.
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I just don't understand how coup can exist and not be problematic, when old DS was considered a problem for granting the same benefit to survivors.
Killer lunge = good
survivor lunge = bad?
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The perk just needs QOL. A separate activation button for the extended lunge so that Killers can use the default and extended lunge as they see fit. This gives more control over the perk usage.
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It just looks funny because his weapon is a bit shorter than the hitbox.
The hitbox and the lunge are just like all the others. It's just his model that is shorter. I think this is what people find confusing.
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It's a 1v4. The more the killer can go for chases, the less tunneling and camping you will see. Ds made the killer waste so much time that they couldn't go for many chases. Therefore being problematic.
Coup allows the killer to finish chases faster. Therefore allowing the killer to go for more chases. That's why the Perk is not problematic in overall balancing.
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I just realized I said DS I meant Dead Hard.
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Same story then
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Bruh, don’t even get me started with dh discussion, especially if the intention is to defend old dh
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I'm saying to defend coup if old DH is bad.
I think either we should have perks that allow lunging for extra distance for BOTH sides, or not at all
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Maybe you would have a point if camping and tunneling wasn't at an all time high currently. I don't think taking away survivors' options to extend chase is helping in regards to combat tunneling and camping, it's just making it easier for killers to have guaranteed wins by doing so.
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Giving them super easy to use for free is also just punishing people to play into these strategies.
This is how we got here. There needs to be a reward for playing for hooks AND a punishment for tunneling.
But making chases super long without much effort from the survivor side will ALWAYS result in the killer player tunneling and camping.
Gen efficiency can be tackled. Chase time is harder. Old DH made chases last from 30 seconds to entire minutes just for pressing a button without any counterplay of the killer. And you expect a killer will play for hooks after that happens? After that happens up to 12 times and more during a match?
That's not gonna happen.
I know that I don't have an definitive solution for tunneling and camping. I don't think many of us actually do. But extending chases especially in the early game is NOT the way to go. Sorry.
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I always hear that old DH extends chases too long, but in reality it only gave you the possibility of maybe getting to a new loop. Same benefit as lithe, balanced, smash hit and many other exhaustion perks. If you use old DH and manage to get to an unsafe pallet most likely it's not buying you much more time, if you have it in a dead zone it's worthless.
So I reject the idea that it was press e = win, it's not even stronger than other exhaustion perks, I'd argue Lithe is probably stronger.
I do have some ideas to stop tunneling and camping, such as increasing the number of times a specific survivor can be hooked by giving survivors shared hook states rather than 2 hook states each. BHVR is never going to do something that drastic though, and killers are always going to tunnel and camp for ez win, so if that's the case I think survivors should have more of a chance to extend chases.
That said, back to my original point. If killers can lunge a great distance unexpectedly to shorten a chase, then survivor should be able to lunge for some distance to extend a chase. Bring back old DH