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  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    @switch said:

    @Poweas said:

    @switch said:

    @Poweas said:

    @switch said:

    @Poweas said:

    @switch said:

    @Poweas said:

    @switch said:

    @Poweas said:

    @switch said:
    Help me understand this, why nerf a perk that can be avoided if every survivor cleanse 1 dull totem, it aint that hard.
    This to me sounds like "oh i gen rushed the killer and he got us bacuse we were dumb to not destroy totems"
    BTW 2 years into the game yet DS has no real counter.

    Juggling .-. And destroying NOED still slows down the game

    I love this counter, it works everytime, its not like if the survivor has a few braincells left he doesnt go down near a hook + while juggling you are extremely exposed to flashlight saves or body block in which case good job he got away and still has DS.
    Thank you for telling me this awesome counter.
    I heard enduring is a good counter too 4Head,
    And what is the deal with NOED slows down the game? ofc it does it slows down the survivor since you get some pressure.
    I dont understand your whole post, are you complaining that the games are to long or some ######### cause i dont get it.

    This post is not me compaining but suggesting nerfs for hated perks. Btw I said juggling because that's the generic answer that people hate. The same way people say to clean totems, I'll give the generic answer for the other side.

    Cleaning totems is the legit counter to NOED 100% works everytime, juggling isnt an counter since you rely on survivor to do the mistake, there is this pattern across the entire game if you pay attention.
    Killers always have to rely on survivor to [BAD WORD] up in order for them to do good, with survivor they get a free bie across the entire game.
    I dont hate adrenaline, i do think is super powerful, just swf make it stupidly powerful.
    The only perk i want deleted is Dstrike this perk shouldn't even be in the game to start with. so yeah still dont see your point in this post.

    Well @Mister_xD helped me see that NOED is there to solve poor endgame mechanics, which means that it doesn't even need a nerf as of right now therefore its counterpart, doesn't need a single nerf either. So most likely, I'll be bumping this post when NOED will have to go, which is when killers will have a chance to kill in the endgame. For now, this post might not make sense to you, but it will when they add a proper endgame.

    When is the endgame coming ?
    Maybe you arent as old as some of us that play this game from beta, i know that you believe that devs will actually do something about the endgame, they will probably do.
    But the thing is by the time they actually decide to do something that shakes teh meta/game a little me and you and other X amount of players will be long gone from this game.

    I've been playing since August 2017. The devs have done a fair amount to the game, they removed half the pallets, removed the pallet vacuum, double exhaustion. Those changes pretty much fixed looping. For the fact that survivors were a little too self reliant, they nerfed healing. But that just made genrushing super meta.

    I'm willing to wait.

    Key word "2017" , they did make a few changes but it just doesnt feel enough, maybe i;m different but take a look at the meta.
    Since the 2016 meta has been Sprint burst +selfcare Dstrike and adrenaline did they change anything in the meta ? Hell no, they didnt even try.
    They know that meta is boring, yet they do nothing to change it, there has been MILIONS of suggestions on how to shake it up and they just ignore it.
    I feel like they dont care about the players, they just add things and collect the monthly paycheck, atleast it feels like it.
    They are lucky that no other game could replicate the easy formula that dbd has, if there is going to be another game with the same formula im sure dbd will have problems.

    Ok calm down. I know for a fact Adrenaline was considered a TERRIBLE perk before the exhaustion nerf. That's wrong. You're right about SB and DS. They do need to shake up the meta but it'll be tough for them.

    Adrenaline was never considered a bad perk, since 2016 till 2018 when got buffed being disabled at the current moment will pause adrenaline was considered a good perk but after that buff it started to become a stable piece in the meta.
    I'm not sure what you mean by exhaustion nerf ?, adrenaline doesnt take in consideration if you are exhausted or not it will take effect+ sprint burst is still one of the best exhaustion perk in the game it lets you avoid a potential hit, no, deadhard is not better.
    And on the last note, they had multiple attempts to shake the meta, but the chose not to since the backlash from survivors scared them, eg: self care nerf didnt go tru, dstrike nerf didnt go tru.... you get the point.

    Exactly. The exhaustion nerf made Adrenaline seem much more better because you couldn't naturally recover it anymore. Btw I also think SB is superior to dead hard.