[Another] Save the best for last proposed change


I'm fine with it being 5% and max 8 stacks, but can you please make it not work within like 4 metres within a hooked survivor? Like Whispers, if you're in range (in Whispers' case, out of range), the perk dims in the hud and is inactive (keeping the current amount of stacks, obviously)

Additionally, can it not gain stacks when hitting survivors with Endurance? (discouraging hitting people off hook)

You can keep the loss of stacks being only on basic attacks (even though I like the change because it encourages M2 killers to not run it and actually use their power for once


  • Thavus
    Thavus Member Posts: 22

    This is at least a solution to the problem. With this change, there's so many ways survivors can game the perk so you lose stacks. Some of them are going to feel like bugs because you'll look down and suddenly have 0 tokens and you will have no idea why.

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 1,467

    Additionally, can it not gain stacks when hitting survivors with Endurance? (discouraging hitting people off hook)

    STBFL is basically used to counter Endurance effects. So it kinda doesn't make sense.

    Do you really want me to rather wait it out, so I can get my stack?