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Hillbilly, The overdrive bump bug

DrunkenGibberish Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 3
edited January 2024 in Bug Reporting

If you manage to overcharge at the exact time you bump into an object, the overdrive speed will be applied to your movement speed during the bump animation. This allows you to move at light speed for the brief moment you are in the bump animation.

This was performed on PC. Step 1: get your overcharge meter decently high (can be done using multiple sprints or just revving saw), Step 2: Use chainsaw sprint as hillbilly, lining yourself up to hit an object at the exact moment of overcharge triggering, Step 3: You should now move at the same speed of an overcharged chainsaw sprint during the bump animation, meaning no turning restrictions nor force movement.

While not exactly an abusable bug, it is very funny to see how either the survivors react to that happening or how fast the billy moves and the fact billy can gain height off the movespeed if he bumps into suitable objects like old space billy.

It is extremely unwieldy and hard to activate but i have activated it twice on purpose now and am certain of how it is activated.

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Under Review · Last Updated

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