I commission a figure painting artist for my DBD board game

Wow. The colours are spot on
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That is absolutely insane that someone can be that talented with a brush
My minis come out looking like a child who has no idea how to color inside the lines got ahold of them and just went to town
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As a model painter myself... this is exceptional work. Used their inks perfectly, the shading is spot on.
The illumination of Doctor's electric shock on his coat is very good, especially on white... anyone who has tried shading white on a miniature before knows how easy that is to totally screw up... the only way I know how to do it without making it look dirty is using a pigmentless paint to severely soften the wash and then painstakingly keep adding layers until you get enough colour to get the idea, but not enough to drown the colour underneath...
Dry brushing/highlighting is seemless, to the point I'm struggling to tell if they just layered the highlights or not...
I also recognise Blood for the Blood God paint... I approve😏
Literally my only critique... is "No miniature is truly finished until they've been based". I demand MacMillan shrubs on Trapper's base! 😁
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Wooooow they look amazing!!!! 🤩🤩🤩
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Beautiful! They did a great job
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Oh this is crazyyyyyy
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Just wait until you see survivors, they even paint the facial...
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Show us! 😃
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Omg they look so cute! Hahahaha
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Same more or less. I very slightly dabbled in it when I was in college with painting my D&D figures but never really got into it
Fun Tippy Fact of the Day; I was an Art Major in college. Painting is one of the mediums I kind of wish I'd have focused on more when I was doing classes. Watching what people can do with colors and a canvas (or in this case, colors and some plastic) is amazing and something I wouldn't mind trying to pick back up.
...really any of the "traditional" mediums. I had gone for Graphic Design so all my focus was computer stuff but I'd love to try my hand at something like drawing or painting. I suppose I could just pick up a pencil and just start drawing something but...uh...[Excuse #542]
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As someone who plays Warhammer and paints minis myself (im kinda trash at it though) i really can see and appreciate the skill, i did not even know DBD had minis.
What brand of paint was used? I think it was Scale 75 judging by the colors and bottles in the background but i can't make it out completely.
Now you only need to get them based or they will remain cringe.
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they´re so cute haha
bald hillbilly
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They're from the board game. So they don't sell minis, they're part of the game.
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Even better. as far as i am concerned. I didn't even know it existed.
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Base game is complete.
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these figures EAT