Map add-on priority

Ok I started in 2017 when Freddy came out, I didn't realize it was the fake Freddy at the time until I was able to buy the DLC the month after but in the entirety of that time I have never won what I am told is a 50/50 in map offerings when I bring one and survivors bring one, in fact if survivors bring 2 and I bring 1 and 1 of them matches mine it will go to the other one. This is 100% on what has to be by now hundreds of times 0 in my favor. Usually this is to smaller maps vs huge maps survivors bring. I have seen from personal experience no evidence that my map offering has the same weight as 1 survivor offering but for arguments sake let's assume it does. Well over half of my matches have a survivor bring a map offering which still results in a net loss if it were 50/50 with just 1 for killer maps. Because only one survivor has to bring a map offering to get a favorable map it costs the survivor team less to do so than it does a killer because the team has on average 4 times the map offerings so it should make sense that the killers map offering should be 4 times the chance. As it is I am convinced it's a 0% chance for killers vs survivors map offerings because just mathematically speaking I should have won at least 1 of those by now with nearly astronomically low odds on a supposed 50/50.