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Pig Buff

Hello everyone:
I´m a console user, and a killer main, before the "rework" to the nurse i was able to play with her, but later on she became almost unplayable (even with practice, I´m P3 with her, just waiting fot the FPS fix for console), but thats not why you are here,.
Currently I´m playing with the pig, because I find her very fun to play, and I really love the Saw movies, I have a decent amount of experience with her, (Again P3) and I think she needs some help just to make her more viable againts all killers (Im not saying she will be S tier but, something like, Clown or Billy maybe).

1.- The stealth mechanic: I think the devs really get to the point with the power of the pig, be able to make people scream (I think the people that played againts a good pig know what I´m talking about), but in terms of "you should use it" i think that you get really hurt in terms of time, because she walks really slow and even if you ignore this and you go for some "Secure" first hit on a survivor they just go away so easily with Sprint Burts, only one perk that currently every survivor uses counter one of the Pig main ways to catch survivors, so my suggestion make the stealth movement as fast as walking speed, this will encourage Pig players to use the stealth more and even roam the map more easily

2.- The traps: Oh these ones are satisfying and frustating at the same time, because you can even have good luck with them and make one trigger or you can put all the traps and watch them get it off in less than 30 seconds, it is supposed to slow down the games (sometimes it does) but when you rank up the survivors just gen rush you and they dont care about the traps in their heads, i think that if you make the traps a little bit more important like make them trigger when you unhook a survivor or when you have a trap on, you get the trap activated when the first gen is on and you get 30 seconds less for every gen that is powered when you have the trap (that will make the game slower and if the survivors still gen rush well, the poor soul with the trap will have a really bad time)

3.- I was looking the addons for other killers like the huntress One shot, or the clown one shot, trappers trap one shot, and i notice that the addons for the Pig are quite trash, again the focused to much on the stealth mechanic that their addons are not worth for her, Amanda´s Letter doesn´t really help you, because you fall in the sprint burst mechanic again, and the time reduction (other addons) is not that big for the Head Pop, the only addons i found quite useful are the ones that make the jigsaw searching a little bit longer, so... if you can make a really nice addon for her (i have no idea what i can suggest) it would really help her

4.- For the builds for her, i watched streamers and other people that are better than me in the game, and they are currently using the endgame pig but think about it what if you can actually make the searches of the jigsaw boxes really hard for the survivors, and I think about Hex: The third seal, it would be really awesome if this hex negates the ability of the survivors to see the jigsaw boxes (again if you want to focus on the head pop of the traps) they have plenty of time to search for the boxes so it would be a fair trade, also if the totem is destroyed, hello again easy jigsaw boxes or even Thanatophobia, it would be nice if it actually recuces the action speed for searhcing the boxes.

Well thats all, if you have another suggestions or better ideas than me, please tell me,, also if you have a really cool piggy build that you want to share i will play it :)

Thanks to all, sorry for the long text, and happy jumpscaring with the pig


  • Ogurcha
    Ogurcha Member Posts: 24

    I tried to main The Pig too but she doesn't perform on high rank at all.

    1)Her Ambush is countered by Sprintburst. Rip. The end.
    2)Traps are fine. As you said they are quite random but that okay.
    3)Addons are just pile of garbage. I don't know what you would like to fix there but I think developers should redo them from the start.
    4)2 out of 3 of her perks literally do nothing.

    JAZC_CR Member Posts: 207

    yeah the pig need a buff 4 traps are nothing i broke ez the trap and more ez with my full squad swf

  • Doomsaki
    Doomsaki Member Posts: 152
    edited June 2018

    Beyond the big 3, nurse/huntress/hillbilly, doctor gets an honorable mention when compared to them. He's powerful but inconsistent. When its a small map like Gideon Meat plant, he can be considered on the same tier.

    Doctor has some of the best time wasting and scouting in the game.

    The pig only has time wasting + a pretty much nonexistent ambush lunge.

    That sets up the framework of how much of a buff pig needs. More starting traps would give her the superior time wasting capability. A slightly more powerful lunge with give her something minor in the direct damage category. Doctor is still unique having scouting abilities instead.

  • Sehkmet
    Sehkmet Member Posts: 127

    1) You dont know which killer is going to play against you, there isnt "COUNTER" Stuff, and i dont think sprint burst is a MUST
    2) The traps are OP against random squads ( AKA 99% of the game population), cuz they may finish a generator while someone is unhooking you and BOOM! you might not be able to get rid of it. Also, they make a lot of noise and it's easy to patrol those machines.
    3) Who cares about perks? just use teacheables.. i really like "Make your choice" tho

    I dont feel the pig is nerfed, she is ANNOYING

  • Madjura
    Madjura Member Posts: 2,444

    @Sehkmet said:
    1) You dont know which killer is going to play against you, there isnt "COUNTER" Stuff, and i dont think sprint burst is a MUST

    If all perks were equally good (literally) then Sprint Burst would still be better than the rest simply because it hardcounters a very large part of a killer's power. If you have Sprint Burst there is currently no reason not to use it if you want play optimally.

    2) The traps are OP against random squads ( AKA 99% of the game population), cuz they may finish a generator while someone is unhooking you and BOOM! you might not be able to get rid of it. Also, they make a lot of noise and it's easy to patrol those machines.

    Patrolling the boxes is a massive waste of time, while you are patrolling the boxes all the generators are going to be done. It's a better strategy to pick literally any other except Freddy and facecamp instead of focusing solely on protecting the boxes. If you just include them in your patrol route then generally you won't be able to stop the trap from being removed.

    Trapper is generally considered to be not very good. Currenly Pig is like a worse trapper (because there is never the need to check where you are running to avoid bear traps) with four okayish reverse bear traps. The charge is so useless that removing it wouldn't even make a big difference. The only thing setting her apart from Trapper is the built-in Insidious but even that isn't that great unless you build your perks around it.

  • BaconMuncher9
    BaconMuncher9 Member Posts: 31
    I really like the ideas suggested, especially 2 and 4. I just realised and am surprised that The Third Seal doesn't cancel out your ability to see the aura of the Jigsaw boxes. This would make The Third Seal more viable and less useless, especially for Pig players.
  • JusticeZERO
    JusticeZERO Member Posts: 173

    @Sehkmet said:
    2) The traps are OP against random squads ( AKA 99% of the game population), cuz they may finish a generator while someone is unhooking you and BOOM! you might not be able to get rid of it. Also, they make a lot of noise and it's easy to patrol those machines.

    I've never heard anyone refer to the pig traps as "OP" I think its the same as new players against freddy, at first its terrifying and you don't know whats going on. With practice, the traps become an annoyance and not "OP".

    I play the pig and if anything the traps buy me some more time to creep around.

  • ArcaneMantis
    ArcaneMantis Member Posts: 29

    Definitely a +1 to lowering her trap countdown. The lunge becomes useless WELL before high rank as well so that also needs a fix

  • Crabdawg
    Crabdawg Member Posts: 22
    My main issue with her being crouched is the camara goes so low, I would love for it to be raised so you can see over the grass. Increasing her crouching walk speed would be nice too, I think making it 100 would be a nice spot, same as survivors(I think it's at 92 right now). The lunge is abit underwhelming with so many SB users but I think the issue is with the perk not her kit.
  • Tictoktiktoc
    Tictoktiktoc Member Posts: 5

    The Pig definitely could use some QOL changes.

    1. Make the pig's POV higher when crouched, as a lot of the time it's impossible to see through the corn or grass on certain maps.
    2. Make the ambush attack actually useful other than for certain pallet loops (as most survivors have sprint burst and run away in time before the pig can hit them). Either make the ambush attack a second or so longer, or make the speed 10 - 20% faster so the pig can actually outrun sprint burst, not so fast as to always guarantee a hit.
    3. Like OP said, make perks affect the jigsaw boxes. Perks like Huntress' Lullaby, Ruin, Third Seal, and Dying Light should affect the boxes, as it would also expand ways in how the Pig can be played.
    4. This isn't a necessary change, but it would be interesting if for every generator that was finished, the RBT's timer for a survivor would decrease by 10 seconds. This would pressure other survivors to wait on finishing generator's when a survivor has a RBT on their head, but if they are selfish, it applies pressure to the survivor with the trap instead. Nothing too overpowered, just a tweak that could slow down gens a bit.
  • Sehkmet
    Sehkmet Member Posts: 127

    @Tictoktiktoc said:
    . Either make the ambush attack a second or so longer, or make the speed 10 - 20% faster so the pig can actually outrun sprint burst, not so fast as to always guarantee a hit.

    As survivor if im using sprint burst perk im going to have fifty chances of being caught.. if not, 100% ? if im playing against a pig and im not using that perk should i alt+f4 ?

    I dont think most of the people is using that perk.. if 99% of the player base is using it, they should nerf the perk. Overpowering a killer to counter ONE PERK doesnt seem a smart idea. If you were able to see the killer in the lobby i might say your idea is great.

  • Tictoktiktoc
    Tictoktiktoc Member Posts: 5
    edited June 2018

    @Sehkmet said:

    @Tictoktiktoc said:
    . Either make the ambush attack a second or so longer, or make the speed 10 - 20% faster so the pig can actually outrun sprint burst, not so fast as to always guarantee a hit.

    As survivor if im using sprint burst perk im going to have fifty chances of being caught.. if not, 100% ? if im playing against a pig and im not using that perk should i alt+f4 ?

    I dont think most of the people is using that perk.. if 99% of the player base is using it, they should nerf the perk. Overpowering a killer to counter ONE PERK doesnt seem a smart idea. If you were able to see the killer in the lobby i might say your idea is great.

    Well it seems about half the people I face as Pig run sprint burst. If you have sprint burst, you should not be able to be caught as you run about the same pace of the pig when they are ambushing, so I don't see how you're caught 50% of the time. There's also the fact that the pig has a roar sound cue, indicting that she's about to ambush you. What I'm suggesting is either a speed boost or increase in time when ambushing. Even if you don't run sprint burst, you can just deny her ambush by going to a pallet or window. At least right now in the current state, her ambush attack is pretty useless (except for some pallet loops), as uncrouching is a much safer option. You can just run out the sprint burst without the slow cooldown from missing an ambush or potentially grab survivors off gens.

    Honestly I'd rather the devs nerf sprint burst. A suggestion I heard from others is that sprint burst isn't activated right away, but rather a second or two after sprinting. If that was implemented, it would allow not only Pig, but other killers to be able to get a hit off a survivor while the survivor still has the full effect of sprint burst.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    Her crouch and ambush are currently on the verge of absolutely worthless unless you’re playing against rank 20 idiots. Most of the time they aren’t even worth using and that’s sad that you can’t even use a killers main ability. Crouch viewpoint needs to be raised to match her actual height. The charge needs to either be completely silent or the roar at the beginning causes exhaustion in an aoe radius. A complete meta SB that almost every single survivor runs shouldn’t completely counter her every time. Finally, traps shouldn’t be more lethal, but they should waste more time than currently. Boxes shouldn’t be shown until the trap is active at the very least. Box skill checks for how worthless they are should at least be effected by perks like lullaby to add some more possible builds because having the skill checks is currently pointless as they are just too easy.