Dying Light Rework

Hi all,

The perk Dying Light should be reworked, imo. The only real counter to it appears to be the Obsession killing themselves.

For example, with STBFL when you're the obsession, you can try to force the killer to hit you, causing them to lose stacks. With Dying Light, there's nothing you can really do to help your teammate except literally dying.

I'm not sure what a good solution would be, but it doesn't really feel interactive as you have no solution to the problem really. It would be nice if there was something the Obsession could do to remove stacks, even if that means each stack is buffed to be stronger. I think it would feel much more interactive than, "Well, the fact that I'm alive is screwing over my team. Nice."


  • Batusalen
    Batusalen Member Posts: 1,323
    edited January 16

    Wait... is this a call to nerf Dying Light? Really? The perk isn't even worth running!

    Think that Resilience is a 9% repair bonus, Deja Vu is 6%, Prove Thyself is technically a minimum of 20% (10% per survivor with 2 on the same gen). Meaning, you need from 2 to 7 non-obsession hooks just to make survivors with 1 of those perks repair at normal speed before it negatively impact them. If someone (like me) brings Resilience + Deja Vu, that's a 15% and 5 hooks would be needed. And that without taking in count toolboxes.

    All while the obsession is not only unaffected by it, but has a bonus 33% in healing and unhooking. Sorry, but there are a lot of better slowdown perks and if anything what Dying Light needs is a buff. A huge one.