The Anti-Camp meter needs to fill faster

Cryopier Member Posts: 59
edited January 17 in Feedback and Suggestions

When the killer can camp you to death through your second hook before the meter fills, we have a problem.

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • Cryopier
    Cryopier Member Posts: 59

    You mean you'd be upset if you couldn't proxy camp and pretend you're checking on other objectives?

  • KayTwoAyy
    KayTwoAyy Member Posts: 1,699

    Not necessarily targeted at you... but where gameplay and player experience is concerned, what is the difference between face camping and proxy camping? 16m?

    Functionally, they are the same.

    Are we really to believe that a Killer pretending to engage in chase is BETTER than one that telegraphs their intentions?

  • AmpersandUnderscore
    AmpersandUnderscore Member Posts: 1,678

    This is how we know that the mechanic is under tuned, because the common response to 'this doesn't seem to do anything' is always 'well, the mechanic doesn't change that killers stand still and don't actually participate in normal gameplay, the *real* problem is how close to the hook they do it'.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,480

    It gives survivors a bit more room and can let them use a exhaustion perk to slip past and reach the hook before the killer can hit them but in the end this system wasn't meant to remove or nerf any form of camping other than direct face camping for 60s-120s which is impossible to do in the new system unless you choose to let happen or its endgame

  • Chiky
    Chiky Member Posts: 754


  • WitchWalpurga
    WitchWalpurga Member Posts: 118

    If the killer is a bubba there is no difference between face- and proxycamping and that is still an issue. Basement Camping is still another topic. Camping the stairs is the same as facecamping as you can easy bodyblock the unhooked person and just wait out the bt IF you get the self-unhook at all because the "distance" is so large between the hook and the top of the stairs.

  • Brimp
    Brimp Member Posts: 2,910

    Proxy is at least an attempt to pressure people nearby the hook meanwhile still putting pressure on the unhook. Face camping is just standing there mostly securing the hook. Or if you want the more accurate explanation, face camping isn't playing the game as much as someone actually moving around.

  • Brimp
    Brimp Member Posts: 2,910

    Well face camping was basically already dead with the removal of hook grabs allowing for free trades against anyone without an insta down. It's just BHVRs way of not making people totally AFK or a poor attempt at trying to make people chase.

  • Hadji
    Hadji Member Posts: 13

    it's not anti camp, it's anti face-camp, and it works if the killer face camps.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430

    I agree.

    Anti-facecamp mechanic PHASE 2 needs to happen.

    Currently you can idle away from the hook and camp through not just 1 but 2 hook phases without procc'ing the unhook yourself option.

  • HolyDarky
    HolyDarky Member Posts: 619

    This feature is an anti-face-camp-feature not an anti-camp-feature and it works perfect as it should.

    I see many posts about this topic lately and I want to give my two cent to this topic:

    I play mostly killer and sometimes I camp a survivor when I see ti as the best strategy to win/when I can get away with it (like early hook, hook to a most progress generator ect.). This works sometimes pretty well and I can either force a second stage or in rarly situations the dead of the survivor. The reason why I get this reward often is - in my opinion - a mistake from the survivorside because they either struggle to exchange or waste their time with trying but not doing. The result in these cases is a I win the match due to right decisions. However, this does not work always because either the survivors do a trade and a Deliverance could happen, they work on generators, or they have the Rebecca Perk. In these cases I have to change my strategy. But why does it work sometimes and sometimes not? I personally think one point is - of cause - communication to make a decision or a player who do the right choice. But another point is missing improvement on the survivorside and I believe this is an issue from the game because the game does not tell you to deal with situations like this and player who don't give the match a review will repeat their mistake. For example when I camp with surcess, I see at least one survivor in the aftergamechat blaming me for camping even though it was the fault of their teammates - or even their own fault - that this survivor reached the second hookstage or dead. When I play SWF with my friends and the killer camps, we can communicat and find the best strategy. In addition, when we lose a match, we also think why did this happen. I don't want to imply this is a exclusive SoloQ issue because even some SWF do these mistake and in my SoloQ matches I have sometimes one survivor who did the right play.

    What can be a solution? I wish the developers would give the survivors basekit Kindred - still unsure with or without the killeraura in a smaller range - because seeing each others can help alot in situations like this - e.g. I had a match as Wairth: One survivor was on hook while I kept another survivor busy, and the other two were on generators might not knowing I was camping and the result was the second hook stage and a paintrade. Another point is an update of their tips to improve the skills of the survivor more. I mean, let's be honest these tips during the loadingscreen are very, very basic and it is embarrassing that DBDMobile has better tips than the main game. For example according to this match from Otzdarva some survivors still don't know how the antifacecampmechanic works and due to this the killer was able to camp and win. Of cause, someone could say that the killer should not camp to give everyone a match where everyone can play the game but taking advantage of a mistake from the otherside is the key to win in every game. Another issue are killers such as Leatherface, Huntress and Trickster. I personally think a good step would be to give them an anti-campingfeature like Artist, Singularity, and Dredge already have. For example: Leatherface cannot use his chainsaw in a range of 10meters and gets a heavy slowdown when he comes in this range with his chainsaw. Huntress Hatchet gets a big slowdown when it's in a range of 10 meter, so survivors can better react to it. These changes would make camping more fair as camping is still a legit strategy but it should be fairer in terms of killerpowers - it is a bad gamedesign that some killers can use their power next to hook and others not. Another issue is the basement because many killers are scary basement defenders but basement is another huge/spicy topic.

    tl:tr: Anti-facecamp-mechanic works well as it should and doesn't need any upgrades. The real problem lies elsewhere. Easier communication between survivors as well as more useful tips to improve players should become a thing. Some killers should get a basekit anticamp-mechanic like other killers already have. In my opinion: With these changes, camping will still be a good strategy but survivors will have fairer tools and better knowledge to counter it if they do it right.

  • LazyClown
    LazyClown Member Posts: 171

    This is a meaningless conversation. The feature ends complete face camp tactics, it's not supposed to punish the proxy campers.

  • djsoundlimit
    djsoundlimit Member Posts: 97

    I like this camping meter, but agree a little bit on the timer. I see (at least when I play) the timer starting really late. Also, leatherface just camps right outside the meter area facing the hook,doing the same thing as before lol. When he sees the survivor going off he just runs again to them......

    But beside that, I think it's a great extra for the survivors.

  • pizzavessel15
    pizzavessel15 Member Posts: 534

    are you survivors genuinely clueless or just refuse to believe its ANTI FACE CAMP NOT ANTI CAMP

  • crystalkitti
    crystalkitti Member Posts: 379

    The point is, nothing has changed.

    Before the meter, you'd get facecamped. Now, Killers stand just far enough away that the meter doesn't fill. But they're essentially still facecamping, only they're abusing the limits of the system to still get what they want: keeping you on hook til you're dead. 🙁

    The overall consensus is "the anti-camp feature is a good idea, in theory, but in practice it's just too slippery, so Killers are still camping, therefore the feature has failed for the majority of times that it's supposed to save the Survivor."

  • pizzavessel15
    pizzavessel15 Member Posts: 534

    it got rid of face camping. what youre talking about is proxy camping. aka camping in proximity to the survivor. the mechanic isnt supposed to do anything to poxy camping. proxy camping has always resulted in a hook trade, this mechanic is not meant nor designed to touch that. just to get rid of the killers thatll stand in your face which it does. yall need to quit acting like this mechanic should guarantee safe unhooks

  • Unequalmitten86
    Unequalmitten86 Member Posts: 162

    Killer brings slugged survivor next to hook drops survivor then face camps. Killer proceeds to face camp while a team mate tries to get you off the hook the meter does not fill. Killer waits outside the circle to tunnel you out. Killer weaves in and out of the anti camp to start and stop meter. Oh, let's not forget all the exposed perks and the introduction of Chucky that really just messes with it. It's just garbage and created more of a problem.

  • Beano744
    Beano744 Member Posts: 79

    I think it's fine how it is tbh, sure it could fill up a little faster, but it's there to prevent face-camping, not proxy camping.

    IMO, they didn't even really need to add this mechanic in the first place, face camping is a really bad tactic and if you complain about it then you're most likely just not very good at the game. Sure it sucks to be on the receiving end of it, but the killer won't be winning off of it. And how often do you get a face-camper anyways? Before this mechanic was introduced, I would get a face-camper every 20-30 games. It was a very rare occurrence, because for one it's not fun, and two it's just not a good tactic. It was gambling on the fact that the team is filled with solo queuers/newbies, and any strat where you gamble is just that, a gamble. Most would rather just play the game normally and rely on their own skill instead of relying on luck.

    And on the very rare occurrence that I did get a face-camper, it would be for a very valid reason. I could most likely count one hand the amount of times I was face-camped first hook in my entirety of dbd.