Why is this here?

See what I don’t get is the “red stain”. I think it would be more like a horror game if they didn’t know where you were coming from unless they see you. If I’m not able to see them before they turn a corner they shouldn’t be able to me before I even turn a corner. Also the fact I can’t use chuckys shortness to my advantage because they can see my footprints through walls pretty much makes it impossible to win as chucky
then you would need skill to loop as survivor. cannot have that.
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Undetectable killers/perks is exactly what you're looking for. Sneak up on survivors and confuse them in chase, true horror experience.
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tbh, since the first moment I started playing the game, I have always wished to have the "red stain" removed. It's so absolutely unnecessary to have in a horror game. I understand if it was for the first matches as the survivor learns to play, but later it's so unnecessary and removes all chances of horror...
Survivors have the terror radius heartbeat, the red stain, the Icon when in chases, and the 3rdPOV to know where the killer is.
I'd love if the game was more horror oriented, removing red stain and setting survivors in 1stPOV. As a trade, remove survivors scratchmarks :)
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Activating Hidey-ho hides your footprints, using it at loops where you can make use of your shortness is the whole point.
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Besides it being integral to gameplay, the Red Stain is one of those weird DbD things that I would hate to see removed, just because it’s weird and cool and such.
Just like basement. Issues be damned, it’s a part of DbD’s identity.
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You can do some fun stuff with it, like looking in one direction while walking in another.
me when I have literally never attempted a mind game in my life
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DbD has become more of an action thriller than a horror movie for most gameplays, but there are definitely stealth killers if you want to go that route.
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Red stain is the enabler for mindgames on both sides. It provides information to Survivors yes, but only the killer is able to manipulate it.
Red stain also doesnt have much of an impact on safe tiles, just play Ghost Face while stealthed and youll see what I mean.
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If they outright removed the red stain from all killers I feel like looping would be made too diffilcult at high-wall loops. The game is currently balanced with the red stain being a thing so you'd need to compensate survivors if you wanted to remove it.
If you hate it that much you always have the option of playing a stealth killer or running Undetectable perks.
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Way back when the game released, the game was much darker, and there were offerings which would make it even darker. Part of the reason the red stain was there was to help you see the Killer at all. The art style has completely changed since then so that's no longer the case, but you can check some footage from 2016 to get a feel for it.
Beyond that, having the red stain on your back was a subtle way to warn a new player that they're at risk of being hit. It can make for a tense moment as they're running to a pallet or window knowing that they're in danger and just barely make it in time. Again, this isn't so much the case anymore since there's loads of powers with unique attacks where the red stain doesn't necessary come into play, and because a lot of people look behind them in a chase.
These days, it's mostly around because it enables mindgames for both sides. You can always turn around to hide your stain, so if you get creative with it, you can use it to your advantage. You can approach a corner backwards to hide it until the last moment, giving the Survivor less time to react (especially on smaller loops). Or you can intentionally let them see it, then turn around to make it seem like you changed directions. This can cause them to run back towards you, leading to a quick and easy hit.
The short version: Removing it would also remove the potential to use it to your advantage, and that's not really something we'd like to do. If your goal is to sneak up on people, I'd recommend one of the stealthy Killers. Any time you're Undetectable, your red stain will be hidden.
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Sure, remove the redstain
And make the killer speed the same as survivor
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Trading redstain with speed is not balancing.
How about removing scratch mark???
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I don’t see what’s wrong with it I like the cheeky mindgames of a killer hiding their red stain
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You can use Beast of Prey if the red stain is something you want to get rid of.
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justa s i suggested, yes, it'd be a real hide and seek horror game
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Survivors have the killer's red stain to help them keep track of them during chases.
Killers have the survivor's scratch marks to help them keep track of them during chases.
If we remove the red stain, then we should get rid of scratch marks then to balance things out.
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Lets also remove survivor scratch marks while we’re at it. DBD can then go the more “horror game” route like OP suggested
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I mean yeah with more and more maps coming out with loops that you can just see the killer the entire time it does make the red stain start to feel just like a novelty thing. Even sometimes like a disadvantage from a year or two ago where people could use configs to let the stain bleed through walls basically knowing where the killer is mid chase.
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Interesting trade. I’m not sure I would make that trade. I think scratch marks are more valuable to the Killer than the red stain is to the Survivors.
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you are gonna love that doctor add on called "discipline"
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I totally agree. Scratch marks should be removed too.
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Dbd is no longer a horror game, but rather a survival game (not counting Michael with the mirror)
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You're forgetting the most important use of the Red Stain, though - the Rave Parties
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If you think the red stain is the reason survivors can mindlessly play tiles, I'm sorry to inform you you are very wrong.
Chase with demanifested Sadako on Garden of Joy or The Game and let me know how your chases go.
The red stain in itself allows skill expression from the killer side and removing it would make the game more stale.
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doesn't really do anything.
but I'm just used to it existing.
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I already know, they're 5 gen chase like. some of the most imbalanced m1 loops exist on those maps.
The red stain in itself allows skill expression from the killer side and removing it would make the game more stale.
Adds free wall-hacks for survivor in my opinion.
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Can we go back to the old art style please? I do miss it.