Double Loading Screen after match ends

konman719 Member Posts: 6

I dont know how to describe this bug but it has been happening for so long and I cant take it anymore. About 75% of the time, when i finish a match, I press the continue button to exit the after match results. Then it takes me into a loading screen just like normal but its an EXTRA long loading screen. Then it brings be back to the end game match results screen for the game i just tried to leave and it gives me the "disconnected from host" or whatever message. Then I have to press continue again to leave the match, once again, and be brought back to another loading screen, once again. It used to only happen every so often but it has only gotten worse and no amount of resetting or uninstalling and reinstalling fixes it.

I'm on a ps4 so it's probably some console issue, but seriously this needs to be fixed. I waste so much time just trying to get into my next game every time now.

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Under Review · Last Updated

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