We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

Matchmaking in dbd is a pure joke

I don't know how this algorithm is designed but it doesn't work at all. Why on earth do I face swf teams with 18 k hours red med kits all meta builds and map offerings.

Tell me how this is anywhat balanced.

I just want to have some fun after work. This is just frustrating. It's been 9 games with just swf squads just today. Im very close to just play nurse and stomp survivors until someone reworks the system.


  • mikewelk
    mikewelk Member Posts: 1,669

    Matchmaking is hectic for sure. Worst I've experienced on any multiplayer game.

  • GolbezGarlandGabrant
    GolbezGarlandGabrant Member Posts: 979

    I love getting the hyper immersed Megs in default clothing that sprint burst away from the slightest inkling of a terror radius or the Dwight who doesn't seem to venture off the borders of the map.

  • MadameExotine
    MadameExotine Member Posts: 177

    They made matchmaking more strict recently,.. It's been really unfair for casual killers (like myself) who get one too many kills.

    I am guessing, you've hit the MMR soft cap as well. Once you hit the soft cap, you'll likely be matched with ppl above it. Unfortunately this often means survs/swf leagues above your MMR who play the game competitively

    I am in the same situation. I literally feel helpless going up against the surv I am matched up against.

    Sadly you will need to tunnel to stand a chance (like you see in tourneys). The way they've set up MMR strictness, you're no longer playing against casuals. Unless you lose 10 games or so in a row, then you'll get a couple of fair matches before MMR gets strict again.

  • I_CAME
    I_CAME Member Posts: 1,256

    They definitely reverted this. My killer games are completely random and I get matched with Blights who have thousands of hours as a solo queue player. My matchmaking was only more strict for a few weeks.

  • MadameExotine
    MadameExotine Member Posts: 177

    I am happy to hear they did!

    It was so bad I didn't play for a week. It was painful for both killers and survs who were just at the cusp of soft cap.

  • Chaosrider
    Chaosrider Member Posts: 489

    The thing is, besides using completely insufficient indicators to define skill level, the matchaking rougly just consists of 3 levels: Lowest 5%, Highest 5% and the rest 90%. Otherwiese you wouldnt have those matches right now. Additionally you get those backfill lobbies with extreme matchmaking ranges.

    Thats all just due to being the mmr system fundamentally wrong designed. But as always, there will never be any better solution as devs are ignoring this too.

  • Bafugaboo
    Bafugaboo Member Posts: 406

    I was a little confused as a new player being put against the 4 man SWF opponents. I do not even have a killer to the point that I can attach 4 perks to. I had read that new players were supposed to play against new players. I am not sure where they draw the line of not new, but it is not as enjoyable when you cannot even put up a fight into the strong teams. I do not have the option to alter my perks it just feels not so great. I do enjoy the game overall though just not in those moments.

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,997

    Matchmaking is probably the hardest problem Game Developers can try to solve, there is like a million variables and concerns to take into account. Calling the efforts so far a joke is just rude and crass.

  • Atom7k
    Atom7k Member Posts: 269

    As someone who works in IT I am willing to die on that hill. It is a joke.

  • EmpireCity830
    EmpireCity830 Member Posts: 118

    I don't think they did. All my killer games this week have been sweaty and stressful. Barely able to get any hooks, survivors loop really well, gens fly, it's miserable. SoloQ is more fun right now.

  • Ricardo170373
    Ricardo170373 Member Posts: 696
    edited January 24

    My recently matches were absolutely miserable as killer and Solo survivor. As killer i go against comp teams everytime where everyone do everything without just a single mistake in perfect timings, but, when i go play solo survivor, the opposite way happen. My teamates make a lot of mistakes ( im not perfect), do nothing, hidden everytime, and the killer is always a p100 ( possible main) or high prestige with his better add and meta perk, normaly hard tunnel and play like a guy defend his mother life. This game is BORING NOW, i try, try , try and try, but, honestly, has been difficult.