Make Locker Dependent Killers SPAWN MORE LOCKERS

This I think speaks for itself. Huntress/Trickster/Dredge All spawn more lockers by default.

This would be ESPECIALLY good for dredge since he is so so so so so map dependent for no reason.


  • Selfpreservated
    Selfpreservated Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 62

    This would also help survivor perks related to lockers

    Its so frustrating going out of your way to find a totem and activate inner strength and struggle to find a locker, same goes to Head on, Lucky star and Deception.

    This change would be especifically needed to Deception since many of the locker are put in isolated areas where theres no room for hiding after activating deception wich kills the purpose of the perk.

    Althought it was said that when the Roots of Dread chapter (Dredge and Haddie) was implemented the locker position and number would get increased but it seems like they removed that feature since after the PBE update entered live many lockers dissapeared from the Garden of joy that were there before.