Doctor changes are coming up, so I'll throw in my Doc main dreams

Current Doctor is a decent killer, but one held back by a reliance on the same add-ons despite having access to a good range of options, along with experienced players not feeling many of the effects of Madness. These changes seek to make Madness more impactful, make his base kit feel less limiting, and overall give Doctor more ways to pressure and track survivors to initiate chases.
Base kit tweaks
- Terror Radius increased from 32 metres to 40 metres.
- Shock Therapy range increased from 10.7 metres to 12.7 metres (equivalent to the brown Mouldy Electrode addon).
- Shock Therapy detonation delay reduced from 1 second to 0.9 seconds (equivalent to the yellow Discipline addon).
- Static Blast now applies the 2.5 second stun that Shock Therapy does (this is actually said to already be the case in one of Doctor's loading screen tips, however it is incorrect. It interrupts actions but the stun is a different matter).
- Survivors in Tier 3 madness now have Incapacitated. Functionally this is pretty much exactly the same, it's just for consistency reasons as they do the same things.
Madness changes
Illusionary Doctors
- Illusionary Doctor duration increased from 1 second to 6 seconds in all tiers of madness, and they are now mobile.
- Currently Illusionary Doctor spawn logic is to pick a spawn point 6 meters from where the survivor is facing, then spawn the illusion anywhere within 4 metres. With these changes, the initial spawn point distance would be increased to 12 metres.
- Illusionary Doctors move at 115% movement speed, and do not spawn facing survivors. They will traverse the map with similar AI to Nemesis's zombies. Upon seeing a survivor within a 6 metre range, they will lunge in a straight line at the survivor.
- If the survivor is hit by the illusionary lunge, the illusionary Doctor will disappear and the survivor will scream, revealing their location.
Rarity changes
- Discipline Class II (Uncommon -> removed)
- Interview Tape (Rare -> Uncommon)
- Order Carter's Notes (Very Rare -> Rare)
- Scrapped Tape (Rare -> Very Rare)
- To compensate for the base kit detonation delay buff, Class II is now removed.
- Class III changes the detonation delay from -0.2 seconds to -0.1 second.
- Carter's Notes changes the detonation delay from -0.3 seconds to -0.2 seconds.
- With illusionary doctors reworked and their base duration increased, the effect of increasing it further isn't necessary. Now, they reveal auras of survivors hit by the illusionary lunge, along with making the illusions harder to avoid.
- Restraint Class II reveals the aura of a survivor hit by an illusionary lunge for 4 seconds. Illusionary Doctors have their movement speed increased from 115% to 125%, and their lunge range increased to 6.8 metres.
- Restraint Class III reveals the aura of a survivor hit by an illusionary lunge for 6 seconds. Illusionary Doctors have their movement speed increased from 115% to 125%, and their lunge range increased to 6.8 metres.
- Restraint Carter's Notes reveals the aura of a survivor hit by an illusionary lunge for 8 seconds. Illusionary Doctors have their movement speed increased from 115% to 125%, and their lunge range increased to 6.8 metres.
Iridescent King
Due to Restraint's rework, one of the effects of the Iridescent King is now different.
- The addon no longer increases the duration of illusionary doctors.
- Instead, it makes the illusionary doctors move at 125% with a 6.8 metre lunge.
Scrapped Tape
- Static Blast is now removed, and replaced with a passive Static Field, which slowly raises survivors' Madness based on proximity to the Doctor within his terror radius.
- Survivors that Snap Out of It will only reduce to tier 2 madness as opposed to tier 1.
- Madness needed to go from tier 0 to tier 1 greatly reduced, happening from only a few seconds of exposure to the terror radius.
(This effectively brings back old Doctor's power in the form of an addon, for the funny.)
HOWEVER. Let's be real, none of this is happening, the upcoming changes are almost certainly just going to be some numbers tweaks. So to go a more realistic route:
- Buff the base Shock Therapy range from 10.7m to 12.7m.
- Reduce the Detonation Delay from 1 second to 0.9 seconds.
That's all I want really, he's got so many cool addons and I'd love to not be so reliant on using the same two all the time.
Would love it if Doctor could get an iri add on to make his terror radius mapwide. This would let players benefit from bringing terror radius perks without having to bring distressing or a small map offering
Underused perks like Septic Touch could see more viability
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Scrapped Tape is pretty cool. I always like add-ons that try to change the killers' powers to their pre-rework variants, such as Bubba's Carburetor Tuning Guide and (sort of) Freddy's Pill Bottle.
But yeah as you said there probably won't be many changes for Doc since he's under the killer tweaks list and there's about 5 other killers being adjusted all at once, so changes similar to 5.3.0 are to be expected but I would love to be proven wrong. As cool as they sound, AI illusions would probably fall under the killer updates category.
I am also really, really hoping for a 40m terror radius for a stronger Static Blast because BHVR has been willing to experiment with terror radiuses more often with Wesker's 40m terror radius and Xeno's 24m crawler mode radius (28m Pig comeback when?).
I wish you the best of luck for the next mid-chapter, hopefully Doc will get the buffs he so deserves (especially the longer range for shock therapy) and some nicer add-ons. As for my main Clown... I just want him to have an extra bottle base-kit lol.
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the madness skill-check are too easy that increase % will do very little. every match that i have played with doctor, survivor calibur is so high that nobody misses any skill-checks. the only good aspect of madness skill-checks is that it makes hyperfocus less effective.
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All I want is a 40m terror radius (with nerfed Calm add ons to compensate), and illusionary doctors to actually move around.
Bonus if illusionary doctors can swing at the survivor, and instead of hitting them, causes them to scream on contact.
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You bring up a good point, I buffed the Terror Radius and forgot to bring up the Calm add-ons. Oops!
Yeah, those would need to be tweaked accordingly.
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I would make green discipl basekit instead of yellow.also make illusionary pallets increasebmadness by a half 0;5. And the rest you wrote is exactly my doc dreams too