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How'd you guys find your killer mains?

Beano744 Member Posts: 74

I'm one of those killer players who jumps around constantly game after game, who do you main and what keeps you playing them?

I just can't pick one to play lol

Best Answer

  • EQWashu
    EQWashu Member, Mod Posts: 4,470
    Answer ✓

    There is nothing wrong with jumping around to different Killers every match or so! Variety is the spice of life, and the same is true in the Entity's realm. That is how I tend to play myself, with a short list of go-tos, and one sorta main Killer. And, honestly, you are more likely to find a potential new main when you are playing various killers at a time.

    Finding a main can come down to a few different things, and they vary from player to player, but for me it comes down to:

    Killer Power: Whether I enjoy it, or I am literally a potato with it and I'm just stubborn and simply main them want to get better. And for my (more or less) main of The Trapper... the latter was true, and then became the former 😄

    The Character: Whether an original character or a well-known licensed character, often that is enough for many. Adding to this, sometimes the lore, especially of original characters, can add to this a lot! Both of these are true for me and Trapper's appearance and lore.

    Versatility: Some people will feel that a Killer fits well for them for a myriad of scenarios (maps, Survivor perks, Tome/Ritual challenges, etc). And depending on a person's playstyle or preferences, this Killer will vary widely. For me, I have years of rough knowledge with Trapper's bear traps, and the trial-and-error of what spots tend to work better on certain maps. Same could be said for Oni, Hillbilly, or Blight, too; they know how to read Survivors after one or two chases, and know the map well enough to use their speed to their advantage, and possibly cut off a Survivor in chase from getting to an area where they would have more advantage.

    I think at the end of the day, ask yourself a few questions, and these may possibly help:

    • What is a short list of Killers you enjoy playing?
    • What is your preferred Killer playstyle (stealthy, speedy, surveillance, mostly pressuring the map, mostly chasing, etc)?
    • What killers do have you want to learn to play a little better with or learn to overcome certain match scenarios with?
    • Are there Killers you... well, you just like because of how they look, their available cosmetics, etc?