Anti-tunneling perks backfire

A lot of perks that look great for anti tunneling actually do a terrible job at that.

Why? Imagine with me you get hooked, then unhooked. The killer downs you but you, being a farsighted survivor prepared for this by bringing DS. You smack the killer and... they chase you the rest of the game. Why? Because you made them salty and many killers are more eager to tunnel this person HARD (at the expense of *winning*) rather than play the game.

How do you fix people getting salty like this?

I think tunneling could be fixed if instead of everyone having 3 hook, the team in total has 12. And at certain milestones (every 3 hooks or so) its a 2 state hook, meaning it instantly summons entity (perks like deliverance would overide). Now the killer's best interest is to actually leave those hooked survivors alone and try and find someone else.

This may be a little unbalanced in favor of the killer, but I think this could be fixed by having the kill hooks (3rd, 6th, 9th,) eat 2 stages they can't kill someone at zero hooks.


  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,257

    Good way how to make soloQ even worse... One troll could suddenly impact your game way more.