Reveal of Ghost Face (Survivor perspective)

Insert a reveal mechanic from survivors that makes them hold a key or button. This will make revealing optional when you are looking at the killer and he is unaware of you. Sometimes you unintentionally start revealing GF immediately revealing your position instead - that doesn't make sense.


  • MechWarrior3
    MechWarrior3 Member Posts: 3,372

    That’s a really neat idea, I like that!

  • jajay119
    jajay119 Member Posts: 1,168
    edited January 2024

    Was literally thinking this today. It seems such a stupid option to have no control over. Especially when you're... Just looking at him. I had a situation today where he basement hooked someone so I waited outside for him to come out so I could unhook when he had walked off. Except I couldn't do that because the moment the camera looked at him I started to reveal him, he knew where I was and instantly came for me.

    Either that or he doesn't get notified until you fully reveal him.

  • RpTheHotrod
    RpTheHotrod Member Posts: 2,094
    edited January 2024

    Part of his kit though is that he can utilize that power to get a bead on survivor locations. One mind game you can do is surprise drop into stealth to get hiding survivor locations.

    That's an incredibly significant nerf to an already weak killer. What would you give him in return? Perhaps that he can choose to expose people instead of automatic happening at 100% so he doesn't accidentally expose?

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 5,498
    edited January 2024

    It does not make sense, unless its part of his Power. You know, his power in the Entity's Realm.

    You know Killers in real life don't have a Terror Radius, right? Killers in this game, have supernatural powers in some sense.