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PS4 - Perks combinations not saving.

English is not my first language, sorry for any miss spellings or usage of incorrect terms.
After leaving the game (By turning off the PS4), all survivors and killers Perks combinations (Current build) return to a previous interaction (Old build).
The account level, competitive rank, perks progression and character progression is not affected, only perks placements and their combinations.
Only by closing the application (Game) through the platform, seems to make it possible to save and update the Perks combinations.
Just to add to the above, load outs and cosmetics customisation both reset when the game is closed. The rift cinematic plays each time after game is opened as if not accessed before. I am also on PS4 and in the UK. Bloodweb, tome and rift progress seems to remain but often emblems show an error after games (not sure if this is related).