Add diversity to matchmaking

It happens a lot more recently that I'm playing against the same killers multiple times in a row up to playing only vs 3 different killer though playing 12 matches.
Maybe we need a subroutine in the matchmaking algorithm that prevents going up against the same killer over and over and over again. Something like a counter which prevents matches with that killer if you faced him too often already.
This might not be working on the first 2 weeks after an new killer is released but playing against the same killers for the whole evening is tiring.
Yeah I agree 2 days ago I went against 3 knights in a row.
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That would be difficult with 4 survivors, which often will be 3 +/- killers "banned".
Also it would kinda suck for new players, because people mainly play free killers there. So it was just pointlessly create longer queue times.
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With 33 killers in the game I think having 3 less in the pool would be something I could live with.
I agree with the second point. Maybe the system could get implemented in a way to only get active when you cross a certain threshhold in hours or mmr.
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I feel like, if this became a thing, every killer player who doesn't want to play Freddy or Trapper all day will be unable to play the game after a while lol
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Ask BHVR to balance better so more killers are good so you see more instead of the same handful.