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Oni is bugged since last patch.

xProlive Member Posts: 3
edited February 2024 in Bug Reporting

Hello for anyone reading this message.

-This bug is happening on all platforms.

I am reporting this bug that has been happening to Oni since the Alan Wake chapter, so quite recently, here's what's wrong:

-When you activate Oni's power the camera will now be locked and you won't be able to look up or down during the activation of Oni's rage animation. You can still look left or right tough.

-The speed of Oni's power seems to be reduced aswell (addons with speed don't seem to alter its speed either).

-While using a charged m1 attack with power, the Oni's attack animation will be really slow and clunky meaning that doing 180 degree flicks is so much harder, may I even say almost impossible, denying his ability to catch survivors off guard in corners.

This bug is killing the Oni, making him unplayable at the moment since it renders his power pretty much useless in most situations.

I sincerely hope that this glitch will be fixed soon, and that we won't have to wait a month and a half like Knight to get this fixed.


An Oni Main.

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