Onryo is perfect now

Not too broken like before, not terrible like the post first rework.
She is perfect, perfect, everything, down to the last new details
No she isn't, they didn't fix the main glaring issue with her which is 0 tape pressure.
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It's not an bug ... it's an feature :)
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What are you on about?
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She’s not perfect. She’s better. If they bring back passive condemn on tapes and remove tv auras when you’re holding a tape she will be perfect!
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That’s not a “feature” it’s a problem is what they are trying to saying. Sadako has 0 tape pressure. Passive Condemn on tapes needs to be a thing again or 2 second insert for tapes. I’d prefer Passive condemn. It’s slow but it’s remind and that tick of it or 2 might buy you a little time to take some action when the time comes
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Oh, Onryo main ... I see that