Lights Out is exactly what Myers needs

So, as we all know, Myers is pretty much needing a rework by now and the main things keeping him from falling to the bottom of the killer tier list are his Tombstone addons. However though I noticed that Lights Out actually makes him at base-kit really good and the reason why is because it gives him the "stalking environment" that he desperately needs since spotting Myers stalking now is pretty easy.
What I think should be potentially done is try to incorporate the Lights Out game modifier into his kit during his rework, but instead of the map being covered in full darkness it can be a heavy fog sorta similar to the fog he's surrounded by in his cinematic trailer(but a heavier version of the fog) and he still has his terror radius due to how small it is anyways. This would give him a stalking environment to use for reaching Evil Within 3 much more easily without the chance of instantly getting spotted. This should also be possible to achieve as well since we already have killers who do a similar thing such as Freddy with his Dream Realm and Dredge with his Nightfall.
Yes, this would give it away that it's a Myers instantly, but I don't think this would negatively impact his stealth as much as you'd initially think since he could hide within the fog.
what about ghostface? he needs that environment as well.
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Nah, he just needs the scratched mirror add-on to increase base movement speed by 250% in addition to the aura reveal. 🫣
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Maybe what Myers needs is the old map lighting.
Can't we all just agree to bother BHVR until they revert the lighting? Survivors want it, low-tier killers benefit from it and it pisses off high tier killers because it's harder for them to track survivors at Mach 20. Literally everybody wins.
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Nah - just remove his busted-ass insta-kill add-ons and buff all his other stuff and he would be much more pleasant to play as and against.
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No thanks. I never want to go back to the days of Blendettes. And PC players would just use filters so this would only make console more miserable.
Also Myers barely benefitted from the old lighting because his mask is like a beacon.
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Give him whatever buffs he wants as long as Tombstone Piece goes in the trash.
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The big difference between Ghostface and Myers is that Ghost can crouch and poke only his head around corners whereas Myers can't do this so Ghostface isn't in as bad of a spot as Myers is when it comes to being able to stalk survivors in the environment. Also not to mention that Ghostface takes much less time to make a survivor Exposed than Myers typically does which usually means that survivors have less time to spot him poking his head around something in the environment. If all of that makes sense to you at least-
The only reasons his Tombstone addons have only ever been buffed over the years is due to the fact that they're currently the only things keeping him from instantly dropping to the bottom of the killer tier list. Once Myers is reworked into a more healthy and viable state these addons will likely either be comepletely reworked, retired/decomissioned, or just simply nerfed. However though Judith's Tombstone may potentially stay due to the fact that it's actually more balanced than Tombstone Piece is and because of the fact that there's, as we all know, an achievement tied into it for Myers called "Evil Incarnate" which isn't exactly possible to achieve with just Tombstone Piece giving Judith's Tombstone more of a reason to remain in the game than Tombstone Piece.
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If they were to do the idea I mentioned of him causing the entire map to get shrouded in heavy fog his mask would likely be less of a problem since it could blend in with the fog because currently in Lights Out it's actually kinda hard to notice him stalking you even if he's just barely in the survivor's visual range.
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I've never held the view that just because a character is weak, that justifies them having something that is stupid and awful to go against. It's like Ice Climbers in Melee. It's true they suck, but that doesn't justify them having an infiinite grab loop. If it's awful to go against, it should go.
I don't care too much about Judith's Tombstone. At least it makes him slow as hell. Tombstone Piece on the other hand is absolutely disgusting. It turns him into the best tunneler in the game, as he can usually kill someone in under two minutes, sometimes completely crippling the survivor team before they even get two gens done. Even if there's no rework coming, Tombstone Piece should still be disposed of.
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Actually, if I remember correctly, BHVR said somewhere last year that both Myers and Freddy are SUPPOSEDLY planned to be reworked(meaning that Freddy would be receiving his second ever rework), but they were pushed back or something due to being less of a priority(likely due to all the new game systems that they've been working on such as AFC, new gen system, etc and all of the killer reworks that they've already been doing for more of the problematic killers like Skull Merchant, Billy, etc).
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It would be nice to not have to wait years for them to rework one add-on.
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It's not supposed to be just for one addon, but rather his entire kit with both his power and addons-